Chapter 13

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It was three o'clock.

I was in my room, and cracked open the door to look outside, seeing Alpha Greyson emerging from his office. He exchanged words with who I could only assume to be the Beta, Daniel's father. Once they had finished conversing, they both went down the stairs and disappeared. I heard the door to outside shutting, and closed my room door with a distinct click. I was wearing the leather jacket to convey as much of my scent as possible, and was waiting impatiently for Daniel to come.

Where is he? I asked Pest.

Maybe he came to his senses and decided not to show up. She suggested helpfully.

Perhaps he got held up. I'll give him five more minutes and then I'll go, whether he shows up- I was cut off when the door opened, and Daniel slipped in. -or not.

"It's about time." I scolded, but he simply huffed and made sure no one was outside, before shutting the door again.

"Coast is clear." He said, and it was then I noted he was flushed and panting slightly.

"Are you ok?" I asked, but he waved me off.

"I'll tell you later. For now-" Daniel pulled out the spray and covered himself, sneezing as the mist invaded his senses. "You'll have about five minutes before they realise you're gone. I can't guarantee how long I can keep them running though." Nodding, I shrugged off my jacket while he opened the window and jumped out. Reluctantly, I hugged the jacket once more before leaning out and dropping it to the ground, where a blonde wolf picked it up and disappeared into the forest.

Once he'd gone, I covered myself with the spray, and snuck out of the room. Tyler had disappeared this morning, but I doubted he'd be anywhere around Alpha Greyson's office. The Beta was unlikely to come into the office, but I had to keep an eye out just in case. I had not seen Sera around lately, and Alpha Greyson was out for now. There were no other wolves that I knew of living in the Pack House.

Sneaking out of my room, I shut it behind me and darted across the floor, my feet silent in the plush carpet. Once I made it to Alpha Greyson's office, I tried the door, and surprisingly found it unlocked. I pushed the door open, and with one more glance around the hallway, snuck in and shut the door behind me. Wasting no time, I set to work, heading first to the desk.

I shuffled through the various drawers, but came up with no files on the wolves of the pack. But, the top right drawer caught my eye. A piece of paper stuck out of it, the corner jammed in the front as though someone had hidden it in a hurry. Pausing in my search, I opened the drawer and pulled the paper out, scanning it quickly. It was some sort of agreement, a contract between the Blood Moon Pack and their neighbouring pack, the Blue Dusk Pack. As I got lower, the typed words stopped, and there was a short sentence in two different handwritings, each stating the truce between the two Alpha's.

But what I saw made me stop short. The first sentence written by one of the agreeing Alphas was written in a very distinct font.

Long. Cursive. And flowing. Unique in it's own way.

I nearly dropped the contract as I shakenly pulled out the note from my assignment file, unfolding it and holding the two pieces of paper together. The handwriting matched. I scanned the document and found the signature that matched the handwriting. It was Alpha Greyson. Alpha Greyson was the one who ordered Tyler's head.

I had to warn Tyler.

Rising, I pushed all of the drawers closed and rearranged everything to give it some semblence of normality, before stuffing both pieces of evidence into my jean's back pocket and heading to the door. But I stopped, my hand hovering over the door knob as it turned from the outside.

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