Chapter 15

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It's been a week now since I was rescued, and Tyler is still none the wiser about who the real traitor is. The group who were meant to return with Doc have not come back yet, nor have they contacted me like I requested - demanded - when they found him. Led by the esteemed Fynn Waters, the five-wolf group left two days ago, and I have been waiting in anticipation as they promised they would be back on Tuesday. It's Monday today, and I woke up last Sunday.

I am still trying to adjust to the amount of voices in my head, and I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of people are still going to Tyler or Alpha Greyson for affirmation of things. Although I was grateful, I was a little hurt. It made my wolf growl at the lack of respect she was shown.

I sat at the kitchen counter, holding my coffee in both hands, taking quiet sips as I thought over Tember's promise. Tyler and Daniel had announced earlier that the Alpha was planning a celebration for Tyler, considering it was only two weeks until the Ritual where he would assume the role of Alpha and carry out the Blood Swap with his chosen Fated. He had made it very clear that Stelle would not be chosen despite Alpha Greyson's complaints, and had on more than one occasion hinted that I would become the future Luna. I had been more open to Tyler recently, as though my time in captivity, away from him, had opened my eyes. And it had. Now I understood what real mates felt, and I craved that feeling of wholeness.

The party was two days from now, and I had a sneaking suspicion that that would be when Tember and Alpha Greyson would strike. I needed to be prepared. Ever since I got back, I'd been working up my strength and speed again, and with my wolf back and not going anywhere soon, I had healed completely from my wounds. As a reminder of the period of time I had temporarily become mortal, two scars wound around both of my wrists like two bracelets, stunning reminders of the torture I'd faced.

But I didn't see them as a weakness. I was a survivor, and these were my trophies. Just like the three crossing over my torso.

The door knocking disturbed me from my thoughts, and I set down my now-cold coffee on the counter, before going to answer the door. When I did, an unfamiliar woman stood in front of me. She looked a little over fifty, but had aged well, with brilliant grey hair that fell around her shoulders and warm hazel eyes that matched her kind smile.

"I'm Phyliss, Daniel's mother and Female Beta." The woman introduced herself, and I half-bowed, unsure of what to do before gesturing for her to come in. She lugged in a large black bag with her, which I offered to take, but she vehemently declined, stating it was improper for the future Luna to cart around gear like a servant. I invited her into the lounge, and stood awkwardly while she observed me. Finally she clapped her hands together. "Tyler asked me to help you make some choices for the party on Wednesday. I thought we could do some different hair styles and have a run-through of the different dresses." Although I inwardly cringed at the mention of dresses, I nodded, and Phyliss clapped eagerly, grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs into my room.

She's fast for an old woman.

"Oh dear, I'm not a day over sixty-two!" Phyliss laughed, while I flushed. I'd said that out loud.

"I'm so sorry." I began, but Phyliss cut me off.

"No worries dear! I'm glad to know that the deadliest Ranger thinks an old bat like me still has a bit of spunk!" I managed a weak smile, while Phyliss ushered me into the bathroom, where a chair had miraculously appeared in front of the sink. I sat down, and Phyliss began playing with my hair, muttering to herself. Eventually she spoke. "I love the haircut. Now I doubt with your natural beauty we'll need much makeup, but I have the perfect dress for you..." As she rambled on about how beautiful I would look, my smile faded.

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