Chapter 18

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The sun sank low behind the trees, its final rays of light reflecting on the surface of the water that rippled in the slight breeze. At the end of the pier, a lone figure waited. The red and gold wolf crouched on her hind legs, looking out to the lake where she had shared a sacred moment so long ago.

The lone she-wolf did not turn to check the woods as the sun disappeared, instead closing her eyes to the breeze as it fanned her face. He had not come, yet when she looked at her reflection in the lake, she somehow hoped he would still have faith in her.

As the stars began to light the sky, she heard the faint rustling of tree branches in the trees behind her, and the sound of soft feet padding across the sound. Claws clicked against the wood of the pier, and a familiar black wolf sat down beside her.

You came. She stated through the mind link.

How could I not? Her mate answered.

You reek of Alpha. I take it you have challenged him.

This very morning. He will not bother us anymore.

And Nicholas?

Scouts have him in custody as we speak. Nodding, the she-wolf leant her head against the black wolf's shoulder and sighed. They stayed there in silence, until the time came when they could stay no longer.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. True blood to true blood, in this moment we accept each other as mates, and pledge to love each other and rule the Blood Moon Pack with fairness and equality." Tyler and I both chanted, our hands upon the Book of Legends that the pack priest held. It was a quiet ceremony, and we stood in an aisle of forest setting. The pack members sat on seats of fallen logs, all dressed casually as Tyler had ordered. He himself was dressed in a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black dress pants. I was in a long white dress that was tight around my waist and flowed out to my feet.

"So I take the ceremonial knife, and bind you together eternally." The priest made a deft slice through each of our palms, using a sharp blade to produce enough blood. Tyler and I clasped our hands together, our blood mingling. I felt a slight pain on my wrist when we let go of each other, I looked down. On the inside of my right wrist, Tyler's full name was written in a loping black ink, tattooed into my skin. It was the same with Tyler, though I did not see his as the priest chanted a few words of prayers.

"All hail the Alpha and Luna of the Blood Moon Pack." The priest said, and indicated we could kiss, just like marriage. As our lips touched, the pack erupted in cheers and we both smiled and waved at the members.

Walking down the aisle, we were showered with rose petals, and I smiled and grinned at the members we passed. Beta Daniel yelled and whooped in typical Daniel fashion, and Sera offered me a shy smile from behind his legs. Phyliss blew me a kiss and hugged Jules. Turns out that Jules had no idea what Greyson was planning, and soon after Tyler found me, he passed the title of Beta down to Daniel.

The Gamma and Dhelta's eldest children had succeeded their fathers as well. The Gamma, Riley, had already found her mate from a neighbouring pack. Although he was only an Omega, the two were an inseparable pair. Not long after Nicholas was brought in, he was killed after Tyler lost his control and snapped his neck clean off. Tyler didn't even give me a chance to "talk" with him.

Scouts had brought in numerous Rogues from Nicholas' "pack" over the weeks, and all had been interrogated. Many ended up being killed, but there had been the rare few who had admitted to their actions and had actually been accepted into the pack. Stelle was no longer a problem, I'd made sure of that.

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