Chapter 11

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"I'm not going to hurt you." He said slowly, watching my body language. My eyes narrowed.

"I'm not taking the shot." I said evenly. Tyler glanced at my handiwork.

"I think you've made your point clear." He remarked. "Alright, no needles." I wanted to believe him, but he said that earlier, and look what happened. Another two men appeared behind Tyler. "They won't hurt you, just let them take you back to your room." When I didn't respond, he added: "Please Red. I don't want to have to lock you up for assault." Tyler's eyes were begging me to listen to him.

"I'm not going back there." I said quietly but firmly, and he nodded.

"They'll escort you back to the Pack House then." I sighed. I really didn't want to get locked up. I knew what type of methods they used on the prisoners, guilty or innocent. Plus, how was I meant to gain their trust when I was locked up like a criminal? Although, I thought looking at the carnage, that ship had sailed.

Gulping, fighting every instinct that had been instilled in me, I unlocked my knees and knelt down on the ground, putting my hands on the back of my head, and letting the two men haul me up and towards the door. Before we could leave, Tyler stopped the men.

"The Alpha does not need to know of today." He instructed quietly, and the men nodded obediently. "No one lays a hand on her. Wait with her until I return." The guards replied with a low Yes Tyler, before leading me out of the room. I looked back to see Tyler running his hands through his hair, surveying the wreckage. He did not notice me looking, nor did he even spare me a glance as he began helping the wolves up.

I allowed the men to escort me along the narrow forest path, away from the Blood Moon hospital. Smart, hiding it away from the main centre of the pack. Keep the weak safer and further from chaos should it erupt. As we walked, I sensed figures around us, tailing us as we navigated the pathway. I slowed, wary. As if sensing my unease, one of the men pushed me on.

"They are our own. Don't worry." He growled lowly, and I groaned inside. So they felt the need to assign me extra bodyguards as well.

You took down four of their best fighters, what do you expect? My wolf spoke up, and I nearly jumped at the sound of her voice. It had been so long since I'd heard from her. Normally I would be happy that she wasn't annoying me, however I'd gotten used to her presence in the back of my mind, and only now realised how much I'd missed her snarky remarks.

Yeah...I trailed off.

What is Tyler doing about Nicholas? She asked, and my steps faltered slightly.

I don't know.

Maybe he is just passing through? My wolf suggested half-heartedly. Surely he can't know about us.

You know Nicholas. I sighed. You saw the look on his face when I killed the Alpha. When he starts out to do something, he won't stop until he has accomplished it. You know he wants us dead. I answered quietly. And even if he didn't know at first, surely he will have received word. Gossip travels fast, you know. My wolf did not reply, and I stepped inside the Pack House. They followed me as I ascended the stairs and went into my room, shutting the door behind me with a bit of extra force to get the message across. They waited outside as I sat down on the bed. My wolf pondered the options, but never answered.

"You can't be serious." Daniel said as I paced my room. He was sitting on my bed, watching me. He'd arrived soon after I had, and I'd pulled him in without a second thought and locked the door. I quickly shushed him, not wanting nor needing the guards to hear. "The Rogue is probably passing through. I'm surprised he's made it this far. Usually Alpha has him disposed of immediately."

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