Chapter 7

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For a few minutes, all we did was glare at each other. I stood my ground and didn't waver under his stare, even though I was basically suffocating in the power of his Alpha as it surged around me. I had Alpha blood running in me too, guaranteed it wasn't my bloodline, but the Alpha's son that had changed me had been particularly powerful.

Tyler was the first to speak.

"Why would you hide that from me?" He asked quietly, but I caught the anger and venom lacing every word. "I am your mate!" He said louder this time. "Do you have any idea the pain my wolf feels when he knows someone touched you like that, and he can't do anything about it?!" I felt my jaw set, and my eyes narrowed to slits. How dare he even begin to compare to my pain, my past?

"The pain you feel?! Do you have any idea how much pain I felt for years? How much pain I felt when I watched my family murdered in cold blood right in front of me by inhumane beasts, and knowing I couldn't do anything about it?!" I was yelling now, and felt the blood rushing to my face as I stalked up to Tyler and jabbed a finger in his chest. The force surprised him and he stumbled back a little as I continued. "Feeling the hopelessness when they took me and locked me up like an animal?! When the Alpha's son decided to take pity on me-" I spat the last words like they were acid. "-and change me into the very creature that ruined my life?! How useless I felt when they did this-" I gestured to the claw marks. "-and I had to stand there and let them?!"

By now I was red and panting from my speech, and I realised what I'd just said. Slowly I backed up and sank down onto the bed, staring at the floor. I felt Tyler's gaze on me, but didn't look up.

"You are not the only one who has a past Tyler." I whispered, and quickly wiped away the tears that were brimming at the corner of my eyes. I almost reacted when I felt the bed dip beside me, and made a move to get up, but strong arms gently pulled me back, enveloping me in a hug. I felt the smell of his cologne envelope me, and breathed it in. Both my wolf and I felt much calmer with our mate to comfort us.

"Listen Red, I didn't know -" Tyler began, but I cut him off quickly.

"Don't. I've had enough pity to last me a lifetime." I muttered, before pulling my head off his chest. "You still haven't told me what was happening with that girl." I changed the subject, pulling out of his arms and wiping any remnants of tears. Even though it was a topic diversion, I still felt jealousy simmer at the mention of her. Tyler sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Her name's Stelle. She's our best fighter, prettiest wolf in our pack, or at least she was until you came along, everything a mate could want." He began, and I barely suppressed a growl. I didn't want to know her name, or about how good she was. I just needed a reason to punch her. "She's obsessed with me, and becoming Luna. Even the Alpha thinks she is more worthy than you." He gritted out the last part. I flinched, but quickly concealed it by shrugging my shoulders. "I'm guessing Alpha Greyson told her to create problems between us, so you would leave before the Ritual, and I would have to choose her to be my Fated." I felt my hands turning into fists, and Tyler saw, shifting just the tiniest away from me.

He knew first hand how...irrational - I could get.

"So, your own Father, is trying to replace me?" I ground out between clenched teeth. Even though I had no plans to stay here and run the pack like a good little wolf, the thought that the Alpha didn't want me here was enough to make my wolf growl. I couldn't look at him. If I did, I'd do something I'd regret - ok, maybe I wouldn't, but still. I saw Tyler's own fists clench at that word.

"He is not my Father." He spoke calmly, but I could tell this was a touchy subject for him, so I changed the subject, again.

"So, you still owe me that date." I began, and Tyler looked up at me. I tried to stop a grin from forming, but when his broke out into a giant smile, I couldn't help it. But before he could say anything, I stopped him. "But, you're going to have to ask nicely." I added, a smirk on my face as a plan formed in my head. His ego wouldn't be so big after this.

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