Chapter 4

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I wish I could say I was woken from a deep slumber by yells and curses, but unfortunately not. I was currently sitting in my room, chained to the bed, working at the lock. Suddenly I heard a click, and the chain fell away. Yup.

Turns out Daniel is a terrible liar, and Tyler found out about him letting me out. Well, that part of it anyway. I quickly sat the chain around my ankle again when I heard the yells. I think Tyler just found out about our little surprise, and jumped a little when he stormed into my room. I stood up, immediately hiding a grin. His entire body from the chest up was covered in powder, his black hair was stuck in a white mess from the wax. He looked like a clown who was paid to scare little children away from the carnivals.

"You know, if you are into that whole midnight snacking thing, I'd suggest milk with your cereal. Lot less messy." I stated as I sat back down on the bed, leaning back on my arms. The chain connecting my foot to the bed post clinked as I crossed my legs over, careful not to disturb the loosely hanging cuff. Tyler growled at me. I pretended to be scared as he stalked towards me, but couldn't help but chuckle at his stained blue teeth.

"You both ought to be punished for that." He growled lowly. I raised an eyebrow.

"I've had a lot of threats in my life, Tyler-" I answered calmly. "-to know that you will not hold up to your word." Tyler seemed surprised at my answer, but I remained stoic. Suddenly an idea clicked in my mind. Although it made unseen shivers run throughout my body, I realised it was the only way I could get out.

My wolf howled in delight as I internally gulped. Lifting a hand, I let it rest on Tyler's flour covered shoulder. He jumped a little, probably surprised I had initiated contact with him, and a guttural growl emanated from his chest. I let the hand trail up his shoulder to the back of his neck, and pulled him closer.

I kissed him.

He immediately responded just how I hoped. Leaning forward into the kiss, Tyler put his arms on either side of me. Suddenly I reversed us, so I was sitting on his chest. Trying hard to ignore his current state, I continued kissing him, one of my hands trailing down to where the chain was. Nimble fingers unclipped it, but he didn't notice, too focused on the kiss. His arms moved to my waist, and I slowly pulled the chain back up.

Tyler was too late.

I jumped back as I shut the cuff around his wrist, and he wrenched it away in an attempt to avoid the chain, his face a mixture of disbelief and anger. I smirked at him, and scrambled back when he jumped off the bed, trying to reach me. He only got halfway across the room before the chain pulled him back. I heard the wood groan in protest. Time to go. But before I left, I couldn't help myself, and turned back to face him, smirking.

"I think a cold shower could help with that." He looked down as I turned and pulled open the door. Shutting it and locking it behind me, I took off down the hallway, heading for the stairs, when a small voice stopped me.

"Are you Ty's mate?" The girl whispered. I turned, my body tense. A little girl only about the age of seven stood just outside my door, a stuffed bear clutched in her tiny arms. Blonde locks cascaded around her shoulders, and she had forest green eyes that looked at me expectantly.

"Ah, yeah?" I asked. I couldn't help it, I'd always had a weakness for puppies. They were so innocent and defenceless. It reminded me of when I'd been that age, and lost everything. Pups were too young to understand what was going on. I'd broken many, many rules by saving them. Whenever I was given a family assignment, I would spare the pups, dropping them off at foster families who I knew would help them.

"I'm Sera. I'm Dani's sister." Sera said. "Are you going to have breakfast with us?" She asked. I gulped.

"Uhhhh..." The girl's face lit up in a big smile as she took it for a yes, revealing a missing front tooth, and she ran towards me, grabbing my pinkie finger and dragging me downstairs. I continuously looked back up at my room's door, expecting Tyler to burst out at any moment.

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