Chapter 2

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After passing my secret stash, I walked far enough into the forest to a spot where I knew I would not be seen by any residents of the small town, and loosened the straps on my bag. Once I shifted they would not be so loose. I strapped my gun to my ankle, and stowed my throwing knives in my bag.

Other shifters would normally shred their clothes if they shifted when fully dressed, but they didn't have a Doc like I did. When he wasn't stitching up soon-to-be scars or dressing wounds, he was inventing different ways to help me blend in as a shifter. One of his many great inventions were the elastic clothes. They were made from some sort of stretchy fabric with a fancy name I hadn't bothered to learn. When stretched, they would become transparent, and it would literally be like there was nothing there anymore. As soon as you shifted back they would regain their normal shape and size. Except the way that Doc explained it was a lot more sciency.

I removed my boots and socks, putting them into my bag, before calling the wolf forward and allowing her to take over. I had long ago become immune to the sickly cracking sounds as bones rearranged themselves and multiplied, and welcomed the pain.

Once done, I rose from my crouch and shook my head. My wolf was simply beautiful, a deep rustic red with lavish streaks of royal gold running through it. I was a smaller wolf, but she was a force to be reckoned with, and we were experienced both in offense and defence. If it was one thing we agreed on: there was no way we'd back down from a fight. With a yip, I leapt forward and took off into the woods, my figure nothing but an unbeatable blur of red and gold as I disappeared into the woods.

It took a whole day to reach the border of the Blood Moon territory, and when I reached the place where I killed the Rogue, I caught a whiff of someone else's scent, and the body I hadn't bothered to hide had disappeared. That meant one of the pack members had found the body and the pack was no doubt on high alert. If I was right, the Alpha would send some more pack members out later on, if he hadn't already, to search for more evidence.

I shifted back and pulled on my boots, before putting all of my weapons back into their usual places. I then climbed a tree, leaning back against the trunk on a thick branch, settling comfortably to wait for the brewing fight to come.

It was the next morning that I came into contact with members of the Blood Moon Pack.

My sensitive nose picked up a change in the atmosphere and I stopped twirling the throwing knife in my hands, pocketing it immediately. I heard voices in the distance, and jumped down from the tree, landing on the ground with ease. Creeping through the undergrowth, I saw a wolf sniffing the air. With the spray masking my scent, I was invisible to them.

I flexed my fingers and leapt, landing on the wolf's back. This was the one who must have discovered the body. Wrapping my hands around his hulking neck, I pulled and twisted, immediately snapping the wolf's neck. He tumbled to the ground and I jumped off him, ready to cut his throat. I was then distracted by a growl, and quickly located my target without even looking, throwing one of my knives his way. Hearing a yelp, I knew it hit its mark. I turned and saw two identical wolves, one with a gaping wound in his stomach, the second growling protectively at me. I went to attack him, when something large rammed into me.

Using the momentum to my advantage, I twisted my body and landed facing the culprit, leaning forward on one hand as I slid back across the ground, a snarl curling my lips. The culprit standing in front of me looked only about fifteen, and the power radiating off him told me he had to be in a higher ranking. Beta's son perhaps.

I growled and ran forward, engaging with the boy. I had to admit, he was trained well. In the end, I began throwing punches left right and centre, making him work so hard he didn't have time to anticipate the roundhouse kick I delivered to his jaw. He fell to the ground with a groan and I stepped out of the way just in time to avoid a fifth werewolf as he attempted to tackle me.

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