Chapter 17

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"What does it say?" Daniel asked, and I handed it to him, eyes brimming with tears. She loved us. I heard Daniel snort, but ignored him. "Doc's guesses?! It was all a hunch?!"

She loves us.

Three days, and we could see her again. My wolf howled in delight at the fact our mate had basically just accepted us. Suddenly I heard Daniel growl, and heard the sound of ripping paper.

"Our own Alpha!" He snarled, and my good mood vanished immediately at the sound of his name. I turned and began marching towards the clearing where the party currently was. I felt a tug on my sleeve and Daniel pulled me back. "What are you doing?"

"Challenging him once and for all!" I snarled, my wolf threatening to rise. "He threatened my mate, my pack, and my life! He is not worthy of the Alpha title!" With that, I moved to take off again, but Daniel held me back. I thrashed in his iron grasp. When did he get so strong?

"Tyler, think about this!" He gritted out, and groaned as I headbutted him in the jaw, and stumbled back, letting go of me. "You look a mess, your mate has disappeared, and you just found out your own father signed your death warrant. You're not thinking straight. Alpha Greyson is smart; we need to play him at his own game. You need to calm down and go to sleep. You can challenge him tomorrow, but for now, you rest."

"He's not my father." I muttered, and my shoulders slumped, a clear sign of fatigue and defeat. Feeling a headache coming on, I rubbed my eyes tiredly.


"Didn't you ever wonder why Mom became pregnant so fast? I was the result of a one-night-stand before Alpha Greyson found her and realised they were mates. By then it was too late and she was two months along, and was adamant she keep me. Alpha Greyson abused her, I know he did. The only thing I know about my true father was that he was of Alpha blood, but I have no idea who. Mom died giving birth to me, and Alpha Greyson couldn't kill me - his "own" son and only heir without raising suspicion. That's why he shipped me off to Alpha School; he couldn't stand the sight of me." By the time I'd finished, Daniel was staring at me with nothing but pity in his eyes. I grunted and began walking towards the Pack House, steering away from the celebration.

Daniel caught up to me and we walked together in silence. He didn't let me stop at the Pack House, instead leading me to his bungalow at the end of the village. Daniel lived on his own, having moved out a year ago when he turned sixteen. Although I refused to go to sleep, I accepted the pill and glass of cloudy water for my headache and gulped the liquid down greedily.

Immediately my eyelids drooped and I felt the drowsiness intensify tenfold.

Little bugger drugged me.

The hooded figure ran through the burning chaos as the flames scorched her very skin, heading towards the exit of the Sanctuary. Her breaths came in short quick succession as she ran, fully aware time was running out. Two of the bombs had already detonated after she'd activated them, and the third - the one set up in the Council's room - was going to go off in five minutes.

Rangers ran back and forth trying to extinguish the blaze, everyone too busy to notice the shadow that tried to escape unhindered and unnoticed. The first bomb had merely been a distraction to get the guards off her back and clear the place of Rangers, and by the time the second bomb had gone off she had escaped the hod of the Council.

The finish line was in her sights, when suddenly she was thrown backwards by an indescribable force. Crashing into one of the buildings, she screamed as the heat seared her skin, and leapt away from the fire, searching for the one who had done this to her.

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