Chapter 9

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As we sped out of the city, I hugged tight to Tyler as he revved the engine, dodging with flawless grace through the lines of beeping cars. All the time, I couldn't help but start shivering. It was him. The one responsible for who I am today.

At some point, Tyler must have noticed my discomfort, and instead of going straight back to the Pack House we sped past the small path that led to the Blood Moon Territory. At first I thought he'd missed the turnoff, and was going to turn around, but we simply sped up. Although I was wary of his intentions, I did not object, staying quiet.

Eventually, Tyler found a small dip on the side of the road, and pulled into it, parking the motorbike so it was hidden behind the trees. I got off and stretched, looking around cautiously.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, but when I received no answer, my head whipped around. "Tyler?" I whispered, searching for him. To my right, the bush began to rustle, and my body instinctively went on high alert, watching closely for the threat. Something growled, and I tensed. Then, out stepped a large black wolf with it's teeth bared. I narrowed my eyes, my hands going up to my face in the form of fists.

He is no threat! My wolf piped up. It is Tyler! Look closer at the blue streaks. Slowly I lowered my fists, and did indeed look closer. My wolf was right; streaks of electric blue ran through the silky black fur of the wolf. I stayed alert as Tyler inched forward, his stomach going low to the ground as he pinned his ears back and whined. He nudged my shoes with his nose, piercing blue eyes looking up at me. His request was clear.

Shift you imbecile! No, that was not Tyler. It was my wolf, who was only to happy to obey.

"So help me, if you look, I'll gouge your eyeballs out." I muttered, giving up, and Tyler jumped up in excitement, wagging his tail as I went to strip behind a tree. I tied my shirt and pants around my ankle, but just as I pulled off my last shoe, my wolf surged forward and my arms went into the air as I let out a small squeal of surprise. I heard Tyler whining to check if I was alright, but instead focused on the change.

After my bones had rearranged themselves, I got up from my crouch, and shook my mane out. Slowly I stepped out from behind the tree, and Tyler looked at me, before a wolfy grin took over his face, showing his approval. He stepped forward, and I pinned my ears back in warning. He whined, and I reluctantly let him sniff all around me. When he had gotten enough of my scent, he rubbed his muzzle against both sides of my neck and all around my face. I heard him growl a little when he felt the thin lumps over my chest, no doubt where the scars belonged.

Now, all other males would know who I belonged too.

It was like I'd taken a backseat in all of this, and my wolf was only too happily complying by repeating the actions. Once she'd so gloriously finished, I huffed, and Tyler obviously saw my personality coming back through, because he yipped and took off into the forest. I followed him, my wolf stretching her legs out into long strides, our long sleek body quickly catching up to Tyler. Soon we were neck and neck, racing through the forest.

Suddenly I smelled something, and slowed immediately to a crouch. Tyler realised I'd stopped and came back to check on me. I raised my nose to the air, and he did too. We both caught the scent of prey. Flicking my ear, I indicated for him to circle around. Although he made his dislike of being bossed around apparent, he stalked off with a huff. I chuckled a little inside my wolf's mind, as we crept forward. Through the trees I could see the buck, snorting as he grazed quietly.

Tyler had disappeared, hopefully interpreting my signal correctly. Suddenly I felt something tugging in my mind. It was a half-created mindlink. Tyler was asking me to create a mindlink. I pushed through the small barrier, and suddenly I could hear Tyler talking.

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