Chapter 6

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I sat on the window seat, and watched the morning appear. Although it was dreary and grey, promising rain, I thought it was beautiful. I sighed, leaning my head on the window. The balcony doors were still locked. How I itched to run through that forest, feel the adrenaline and the freedom. I slowly twirled my necklace in my fingers. It had been days since Tyler had let me stay out and finish my breakfast and play dress up with Sera. I hadn't even given any thought to escaping. My ribs had healed completely, my bruises were all basically gone but for the darker circle still around my eye.

Why did I feel so defeated? I felt like I'd given up, and was content to simply sit and wait for my fate. Whatever my fate was.


The Council?

When I heard someone knocking on the door, I hid the necklace and let my eyes wander to see Daniel entering. I turned back to look out the window, ignoring him. Suddenly something blinded me and I screamed, lashing out. In the process, I lost my balance and fell off the window seat with a groan. After I managed to get the fabric off me, I glared at Daniel, who was in a fit of laughter. 

"Your...face!" He coughed out between laughs. I growled at him, and eventually he got ahold of himself. "G-get dressed." Daniel stuttered, still laughing. I looked at myself, then back at him.

"I am." I said confused. 

"Well, unless you wanna turn up to training in that," Daniel gestured to my light pink singlet and very short pyjama shorts. "I suggest, you get changed." My eyes widened as I realised, and looked down at what Daniel had thrown at me. It was a black sports bra, along with modest basketball shorts, as well as running shoes. 

A smile grew on my face, and I grabbed the attire, running into the bathroom and getting changed. I took off my necklace and laid it lovingly on the counter. Without bothering to look in the mirror, I laced up my shoes and raced out to where Daniel was waiting. My grin faded when he frowned at me, and looked down. My scars were all on display for anyone, especially Tyler, to see.

"Ah, I'm just going to put on a shirt." I said quietly, before turning and entering the closet. I searched for something covering, eventually settling on a grey singlet with wide enough shoulder straps to hide the scars. I stepped out of the closet, ignoring Daniel's questioning stare. "Tyler doesn't need to know." I instructed him. Daniel sighed, putting his hands up in defense.

"This is between you and him." He said, and my shoulders sagged in relief. "You will have to tell him sometime, though." He added.

"He doesn't need to know." I repeated, effectively shutting Daniel up. He led me downstairs and outside. I halted, allowing myself to inhale the crisp fresh air. It had not been very long since I was last out here, but that was because I had a pack of wolves, literally on my tail. In the distance, I heard sounds of fighting, and looked at Daniel. He jerked his head in the direction from whence the sounds were coming from, and we walked side by side through the woods. 

I want to run! My wolf piped up, but I sadly denied her request. 

If we do, they will think we are trying to escape. We have betrayed their trust enough, I do not want to give them more reason to want to kill me. I answered. I'll ask Daniel later. My wolf sighed, but grudgingly quietened down. 

Eventually, we reached an open clearing, and I was astounded to see many of the pups here, as well as teens milling around in human form. There were a few younger pups around Sera's age chasing each other in wolf form, but many of the teens were sparring or stretching. My fingers itched for their throwing knives. 

Strangely enough though, it wasn't to kill them. Both parts of me, wanted to join in, be accepted by the pack. I shook the feelings away. I could not have such feelings for a pack of mutts. 

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