Chapter 12

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Stop complaining. My wolf scolded me. We're getting out!

We need those files. I replied quietly. If anyone else finds them, I don't know what we'll do. They'll think we've gone on the run.

Well, technically we have. After all, he's our mate and I highly doubt he'd let us go. Alpha bloodlines are known for their possessiveness. If I wasn't mistaken, I heard a bit of pride in my wolf's voice. I rolled my eyes. Oh please, don't deny it, you like it too. She chided in a sing-song voice.

It's official, from now on your name is Pest. I huffed, and cut off the link before Pest could reply. Tyler led me out of the house and dismissed the guards. I followed him to his motorbike, and got on behind him. He turned the key and revved the engine. We sped out of the village, people dodging out of our way as we zoomed down the forest track. Once we got out onto the main road, Tyler turned left, heading the opposite way to Los Angeles, instead making a beeline for the small village where I had booked my room.

We got there in a matter of minutes, and I was off the bike before Tyler could even take off his helmet. I was held back by the collar of my jacket, and turned in confusion to see Tyler walking up to me. I held my ground as he stopped in front of me. I jumped when I felt something cold click around my wrist, and looked down to see he had cuffed me to his own wrist.

"You do realise that people will stare." I stated. He chuckled and leant down to eye level.

"Then we'll just have to stay extra close, won't we?" His breath fanned my face and I inwardly gagged at the thought, glaring at him and taking a step back.

Think of the knives.

You're doing this for the knives.

Groaning, I turned and pulled him behind me towards the motel. The small sign glimmered in the sun, and I eagerly pushed open the rusty doors, running to the receptionist's counter. The same blonde boy was there, staring dejectedly at the far wall. I cleared my throat when I reached him and he looked at me, surprised. Recognition flickered across his face and his eyes widened as he looked from Tyler to me, and then back again.

"The room I was staying in, Room 63." I said urgently. "Is all of my stuff still there?" The blonde boy nodded, speechless. "Can I have a key?" I asked. "I've misplaced mine." The last words were directed at Tyler, who grunted in response. Nodding, the receptionist handed me a key and I thanked him, before dragging Tyler up the stairs.

Unlocking the room, I pushed open the door and ran to the table in the lounge. I pulled open the drawer, and sighed in relief when I saw the file was still there. I pulled it out and chucked it on the table, flicking through it. I pulled off the paperclip and found the note sent by the anonymous complainer.

I folded it up before Tyler could see it, and stuffed it in my pocket while Tyler picked up the file containing the basic information about him. When I went to get my knives which were in my bedroom, I was held back, and sighed. Pulling out one of my hairpins, I quickly unlocked the cuff around my wrist and it dangled from Tyler's hand. He did not notice, and continued examining the file, a frown on his features.

I hurried to the bedroom, and found all of my gear stashed in my bag, along with my throwing knives and my two guns. I checked they were loaded with silver bullets, before putting them in my bag, and picked up one of my knives. I twirled the handle around my finger, thinking for a moment, when I felt a presence at the door. Smirking, I didn't bother to look, and threw the knife. It embedded itself into the wall, and I turned to find Tyler touching his ear to retrieve a drop of blood from where the knife had skimmed it.

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