Chapter 8

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It's been three days since I humiliated Tyler, and to be honest, I'm starting to wonder if my hopes - and fears - came true, and he was lying when he said he wanted to take me on a date. Granted, he has allowed me to roam the house freely, however I'm housebound, and haven't been on a run for God knows how long.

My wolf was restless, and I was snappy and tired, considering I hadn't allowed myself to go to sleep for three days. Right now, I'm eating noodles in the kitchen. I ate them like a robot. Fill fork with noodles, eat, repeat. Once done, I put the bowl and fork in the dishwasher and went upstairs, falling onto my bed with a defeated sigh. I had been moved to a new room, one that didn't have a lock on it. Nope, instead, Tyler thought it'd be great to put me opposite him.

I tried, I really did. But sleep deprivation was taking over, and my eyes quickly fell closed.

"Red," When I heard the rushed whisper, my instincts kicked in, and I grabbed the hand on my shoulder, twisting the wrist and sending the palm of my right hand into the assailant's nose. I immediately regretted it when I heard a familiar groan. I shot up from the chair I had fallen asleep in, and looked down at Tyler's form as he got back up, holding his nose. I was still in the kitchen. I watched as he cracked it back into place with a wince.

"Sorry." I muttered, rubbing my eyes. I looked around. "What time is it?" My voice sounded groggy and thick with sleep.

"Five." Tyler answered. It was three o'clock the last time I'd checked. I was amazed; I'd never slept that long without the nightmares. "Listen, I was heading out to grab some food, so-" He trailed off and scratched the back of his neck. "-is that date still on?" He asked. A small smile grew on my lips and I nodded quietly. "Cool, I'll see you in ten." With that Tyler was gone, and I sighed.

Now came the biggest decision known to women.

What the hell do I wear?

Now look who wants to impress our mate. My wolf asked smugly as I got off the bed and walked into the closet. I pulled out skinny jeans and a grey shirt, along with an off-shoulder sweater. After a shower, I quickly changed and threw the sweater over my head. I found some converse shoes, and laced them up.

Good enough. I smirked, checking my hair and applying a thin line of eyeliner to darken my eyes. I could practically feel my wolf roll her eyes at me. I grabbed my locket from the bedroom dresser, and latched it around my neck. I gently held the worn golden pendant, and felt a wave of calm wash over me.

It was the only memory I had of my mother.

My father had given it to her after his mother had passed it on to symbolise their marriage. I'd been given it the day I lost them, almost like she knew that she was going to die that day. I felt my heart wrench at the memory, but pushed it out of my head. I left the room, and descended the stairs. Tyler was in the lounge talking with an older man. I recognised him as one of the men who were at the prison when Knox attacked me. His odour was powerful. Definitely Beta.

When they heard me coming, Tyler shook his hand and bid him ado. I watched as the man left, before Tyler turned to me. He was dressed in casual jeans and a button-down T-shirt. His eyes lit up at my attire, and I smirked at my wolf's dumbfounded expression at how he actually liked my choice of clothes.

"Ready to go?" He asked, and I nodded. He pulled out keys and I followed him out of the house. When he unlocked the French sliding doors, I pushed past him. I felt his hand grabbing my upper arm, most likely thinking I was trying to escape. I shrugged him off.

"Tyler, if you want to keep your arm, I'd suggest you let go." I said, and he quickly obeyed, stepping back. I stepped forward with a smile, breathing in the cool crisp air of the night. It was a half moon, and stars dotted the sky as I closed my eyes, feeling the freeness I had been missing for days.

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