Chapter 14

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"The South border patrol group turned up empty. North border patrols haven't found anything either, and East border patrols are still searching. We've heard nothing from West yet, but there were two more sightings of the Rogue pack." Daniel said as he pointed over the map of our territory. I growled, and ran my hands through my already-dishevelled hair. It had been a week since Red disappeared, and I was a mess.

"Where is she?!" I yelled, and before I knew what I'd done, I was pulling my fist out of the wall in anger. Daniel stayed by the map, not daring to look at me. Looking a werewolf in the eyes was a sign of equality or a challenge, and right now I could feel my wolf threatening to take over.

"Look, Tyler." I growled when Daniel used my name directly. "Have you ever considered...she might have left? Maybe she doesn't wanna be found." Within seconds he was against the wall, my hand against his throat. He clawed for breath as I squeezed.

"And I'm telling you, she's not gone!" I yelled.

"Right, that's what I meant." He choked out, before I dropped him. He coughed and gasped for breath as I stepped back, trying to push my wolf down and regain control. "If she wanted to leave, she wouldn't have contacted me. Something's not right."

"Tyler, I probably should have told you this a while ago, but first I want your confirmation you won't kill me when you find out." I looked at Daniel, my eyes narrowing in suspicion, but I nodded. Behind my back I crossed my two fingers. He took a deep breath. "The day Red went missing, she was looking for something. She thought there was a rat in the pack who might have a personal vendetta against her and you. They could get to you through her, and by working with the Rogue, Nicholas would have his revenge as well. It would be a win-win situation, and she was looking in Alpha Greyson's office for the files on each of the pack members."

"So what if the rat found out and took care of her?" I asked, my fists turning white as I felt my chewed fingernails digging into my skin.

"Tyler, Red is one of the - if not the most - dangerous Rangers out there. The rat would have to have either been another Ranger, or a wolf higher in power. No Rogue could take on a werewolf turned by an Alpha, or even a Ranger. The Omegas and Fighters are useless against her, you've seen her fight, and I'm willing to wager she'd best the Gamma and Dhelta in a fight." I looked at him, and he raised his hands in surrender. "Bro, you saw her the day we met. I'd be dead if she hadn't broken my neck instead." He shuddered.

"Do you think Beta Jules could be it?" Even though I hated asking the Beta's son whether or not he thought his father was the rat, it had to be done. Daniel seemed to think for a second, before shrugging.

"It could be possible. Mum was killed by Rangers, but I wouldn't know. He's a very secretive man, and I'm only just starting to find out information because I'm soon to be appointed Beta. Who else?"

"Well I'm obviously not the one doing it, I doubt you'd even try, Beta Jules is an option. So that only leaves..." I trailed off, and Daniel coughed.

"You don't think?" He asked, and I nodded.

"It's possible. He's been against Red from the start." I said. Suddenly my cell phone rung, and I pulled it out. It was an unknown caller. Daniel shrugged when I asked him, and I pressed accept, putting the caller on speaker. "Tyler."

"Ah, so this is the infamous mate." An older sounding voice laughed on the other end.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"The name is not important, as you do not know me. But if you must know, I simply go by Doc." The caller said. Daniel seemed to recognise it. "Now, I can't talk for very long, but I called to warn you. The Council are after Devil's Rose. Your pack is in danger."

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