Chapter 10

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My head felt like there was an immense pressure pressing down on my skull, a ram trying to break the barrier and invade. I groaned, and panicked when I felt weight on my body. I kicked and moved my arms, and the weight fell away like paper. My eyes shot open and I looked around the room. 


Everything was white.

She's in the hospital...

I jumped at the whisper in my head, and began hyperventilating, my head whipping right to left as I took in my surroundings, squinting at the bright lights. Looking down at the inside of my wrist, I saw the needle sticking out, the cord attaching it to an IV line that sat beside my bed. I quickly ripped it out, as well as pulling off the rest of the cords attached to me. 

Rogues have been chased off...

"Get out of my head!" I yelled. Suddenly the beeping sound flat-lined, and I put my hands to my ears as I tried to get out of the bed. My legs were weak and I felt something tear when I lifted my shoulder too high. I gripped onto the bed rails and made my way to the door. Before I could open it and escape, the door burst open and medics swarmed in. I attacked the first, a slight man with a mane of steel grey hair. The rest of the nurses and doctors turned and tried to calm me, but I was irrational.

Rogue Nicholas...

I threw a weak punch at the first one, and he stumbled back, when strong hands wrapped around my torso. I screamed and threw my pounding head back, connecting with someone's nose. He cried out as well, letting go of me. My unprepared legs buckled under me and I landed on the floor, my headache only getting worse. Where were all of these voices coming from?

"Get out of my head!" I yelled again, trying to scare away the voices. 

I ignored the sound when the door burst open again, and continued fighting, when I felt a prick in the back of my neck. I whirled immediately, pulling the sedative needle out, but it was too late. The liquid had already been injected. The effects washed over me, and I stumbled, dropping the needle to the floor where it smashed. Loosing my footing, I fell, my vision blurring as my head hit the floor. 


"Red!" Before my eyes fluttered closed, I vaguely registered a familiar black and blue haired figure rushing in, calling my name, before the sedative pulled me away into oblivion.


That sound. Groaning, I tried to open my eyes, but they seemed like a lead weight was holding them closed. My entire body felt like it was weighed down. I felt something paper-like covering me, and panicked. I heard the beeping speed up, but couldn't move or kick away the deadweight. Something warm encased my right hand, and I heard a voice. 

"Red, can you hear me? You need to calm down." Someone asked. His voice seemed to echo around in my head, and the headache was still there. I tried to squeeze the hand, but it only tightened slightly around Tyler's. "Red, squeeze my hand if you can hear me." He said again, and I squeezed, tighter, stronger this time. Suddenly the warmth left me, and I could hear a door opening. "Nurse!" Tyler yelled. I whined, trying to find him, but my body would not obey me. 

Then the warmth was back, and I felt something tuck a strand of hair away from my face. Don't leave me. I tried to tell him, willing him with my mind. My mouth wouldn't form any words. I felt another presence, an older female. She did not radiate any sort of immediate threat. I nearly jumped when he replied. 

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