1.18 ◇ Home

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After Brendon had calmed down, we made our way back to the scene of terror.

Most of the people had already been sent home, but a few remained, silently mourning.

I spotted Jon among them and walked over to him.

"Aren't you gonna go home?" I asked him quietly, unsure whether I was disturbing him or not.

My stomach twisted as I saw a tear run down his cheek.

"That was my friend," he rasped, trying to hide the clear drops emerging from his eyes by furiously wiping his face with his sleeve.


I awkwardly patted his shoulder; if this was going to be a regular thing now, I really needed to work on my comforting skills.

"You should... you should probably go outside..." I suggested, gently leading him towards the doors, Brendon on my heels. He stayed in my shadow, probably still too shaken up to utter a word.

To fit the mood, it was pouring outside.

Jon sat down on the steps and I contemplated whether or not I should sit down beside him.

"I don't have anymore to stay anymore..." he whispered quietly, which practically took the decision from me.

"Why?" I inquired, sitting down next to him, and Brendon sat down next to me.

"He... my friend... I live.. lived with him." His voice was shaky, and every now and again he'd drag his dirty sleeve over his face.

"Why can't you just stay there?" I tried not to let myself be distracted from my mission to become a compassionate guy by Brendon resting his chin on my shoulder, but it was pretty fucking distracting, furthermore when his breath tickled my neck and made several hair stand up.

"His parents... they live there and they hate me, the only reason I got to stay was because he constantly stood up for me... but now they're going to throw me out the moment I set foot in the house," he rushed out before burying his face in his hands once and for all.

I stayed silent, pitying the guy.

When Brendon moved closer to me yet again, I snapped and shuffled away from him, regaining my bubble of personal space, that happened to be very important to me.

"No, I just wanted to tell you that he could stay with Spence, you know?" He murmered, leaning closer to me yet again, but luckily backing off as soon as he caught sight of my skeptical gaze.

"You sure he'd be okay with that?"

Brendon shrugged. "We won't know unless we try, right?"

So I encouraged Jon to stand up and Brendon led the way towards Spencer's Inn.

Once we got there, we were all completely soaked, including Brendon, who for some unknown reason wasn't wearing one of his coats.

We were all relieved when we finally stepped into the dry, warm place and Spencer immediately came rushing towards us, throwing towels at each of us.

Brendon followed Spencer into the kitchen, presumably to ask if Jon could stay here and I seated Jon on a chair, before proceeding to dry myself.

"This is really nice of you." I startled when I heard Jon's voice. He hadn't spoken since we left the factory and I honestly hadn't expected him to do so any time soon.

"It's not really my doing, thank Brendon," I replied, picking at my soaked shirt.

"Isn't he the Urie kid? Why...? I don't understand?" Jon said confused, fiddling with his fingers.

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