2.14 ◇ Riptide

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I skeptically stared into my reflection, barely recognizing myself.

The last time, and also first time, I had looked at myself in the mirror had been in Brendon's bathroom, covered in dirt and grease.

I ran my hand over my clean shaven face, and let my gaze rest on my shorter hair. It didn't hang over my eyes as it used to, didn't cover my forehead and ears anymore.

Combined with the suit Spencer had given me and the hat Brendon had placed on my head, I looked presentable. Not at all like the dirty corpse haunting the streets a little more than a year ago.

I bristled as the door swung open and a cold breeze swept through the room.

Brendon entered, a grin plastered all over his handsome face as he quickly closed the door and took of his coat and hat.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked, his eyes drifting over to me, and I nodded, stepping away from the mirror.

"So I've been thinking,..." he started, smiling broadly, "London kind of sucks, you know."

I raised an eyebrow in question, asking him to elaborate.

"I mean, it's dirty and there's so much violence and death. Have you been to the countryside?"

"Yes, Brendon, of course I've been to the countryside. I take my fancy carriage and dissapear for a while before coming back and resuming my work," I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"So all you've ever seen is the city?"

"A couple of streets, yes, what's your point?'

"My point is my father owned a house near Deal and it's mine now. Wouldn't it be better there than here?" He said with immense excitement.

"I suppose so, I wouldn't know?" I replied carefully.

"Damnit, Ryan, do I really need to spell it out for you? You won't be wanted by the police there. The air is fresh. There's so much nature. Nicer people. Fewer crimes. Doesn't it sound nice?"

Perplexed, I blinked at him, not answering as he stared at me expectantly.

"Are you... are you asking me to go there with you?" I whispered, not daring to say the words out loud, pinching my skin to make sure this wasn't a dream.


"Can I hug you?" I asked quietly, tears of joy threatening to pour out of my eyes.

He laughed quietly and stepped towards me, wrapping his arms around my body.

I couldn't believe this was happening. It seemed like the bad part of my life was over, and the universe thought I deserved some good. Never in my wildest dreams had I believed this to be possible.


"What about you, though? What about the factory?" I asked Brendon the following evening.

"Don't worry. I inherited quite a fortune from my father and I'm selling the factory to a friend for a good some." He paused when he saw my face. "He's going to change it up a little, no more children, and a much higher salary."

I nodded in satisfaction, a smile appearing on my face.

"I'm keeping the house though, I'm certain we'll miss the city sooner or later and we'll always have a place to stay."

"Do you think it'll work?" I asked, pouring myself another cup of tea.


"The two of us. It never did before."

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