Couple Island

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~Miko's POV~

The day has come to where me and Kenshi are going to COUPLE ISLAND!!Yay!!

I'm so happy!! xD!!! I screamed that whole day getting ready to go, while Kenshi who was tired of me saying couple island got up and put his hand around my waist. While the other one covered my mouth making sure that I don't say couple island again. I licked his hand and he let go of me. "EWWW MIKO DID YOU JUST LICK ME THAT IS NASTY!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME!!"

I looked down "I'm sorry, it's just that you covered my mouth and I couldn't breath so I licked you!" Kenshi covered his face a little blushing that I made a face that he never saw before.

He pushed me on top of the bed, he then came closer to me little by little my heart raced faster and faster.

He then came to my ear "I love you Miko-chan.." I blushed at what was just said to me! I got up and we bumped heads. we then rubbed our heads and started laughing.

As he grabbed my hand and said "Lets go my darling!" we put our stuff in the car and he drive us to couple island.

We were in the car for a good 2 or 3 hours talking to each other, and singing. As I thought about it Kenshi never really singed before!!

I then smiled really big because he was the one that I wanted in my life. He had a more smexy voice that I couldn't imagine he would have singing to me.

As we got there at couple island, we parked at near the entrance.

We entered the park and it was so lovey dovey!!

I saw pink and hearts a lot of them! x3

I smiled at Kenshi, holding his hand tight. He chuckled and held me from behind me making me carry him. "Hey Kenshi! get off you lazy butt!"

He pouted "b-but!! I'm tired!!"

The first stop we went to was to our hotel. When we entered the hotel the windows were big and I had the biggest smile on my face! "Kenshi! thank you for taking me to couple island!! I love you so much!!"

"Miko anything for you!! besides Miko! I think that you deserve the best!"

I looked at him in the eyes, as we looked at each other I felt that I can see his past, his mistakes, and mostly his childhood. He looked away "Miko how come when I look in your eyes I don't see your past or anything." I smiled and started laughing "because my love, my mind was all on you :)"

We went on rides that were at couple island, we entered the house of mirrors and took pictures of us looking chubby, skinny, tall, short, and being a cute couple.

When the day went by I went to a restaurant with Kenshi. He then looked at me "Miko wait here okay I need to go use the restroom."

"Okay Kenshi."

I waited for him and when he came back he came with from food. I smiled "You would have gotten the food for us." As we were going to eat the food, Kenshi looked at me in a shy way.

He then took a deep breath and went on one knee. "Miko, I love you! and I want you to be happy as possible. So if you want to accept! Would you marry me and love me for who I am."

I covered my mouth with both my hands "I-I-I Accept!" I hugged then kissed him for that was the day were it was only going to begin from the beginning.

We went to the hotel and slept right next to each other cuddling.

We then looked at each other and Kenshi kissed my lips, slipping his tongue in my mouth. We kissed for a while, him making my heart bounce everywhere! I felt like I was melting. We stopped to catch a breath and went at it again. It was like a dream. We then said our good night and I love yous and went to sleep.


Thanks for reading this :)

Sorry for the wait

I've been having a little hardship in life but it's okay :)

I want to thank you guys for reading my books it really means a lot to me.

Will! comment, vote, like, or do whatever you guys want!!

Love you guys lots!!!

TeemoxD up up and away!!!!

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