Miki not Miko

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Kenshi's POV

The girl smiled and welcomed us to the new opening of the store, "How can I help you?"

I just stood there shocked that Miko was alive still I said nothing to her

Baby Asuna then pulled my hand, "Papa"

I then came back to myself "Oh, sorry but Umm what is your name?"

She smiled "My name is Miki"

I didn't want to believe that her name was different "Miki?? or is it Miko?"

She repeated her name "My name is Miki, so how can I help you?"

I held Asuna, "Umm can I get some red Lilies, also have some white and yellow one too."

She smiled "Very well then, I'll bring it right away."

She left and I looked at Asuna "Baby, that is your Mama"

Baby Asuna looked confused and shook her head "No, Mama is up there." she pointed up to the sky.

I chuckled "She was reincarnated into Miki."

Miki came back with the flowers, "Umm.. here you go, would you like it to say anything?"

"Yes please, I would like it to say Love me again Miko, or Miki"

She then turned around "Oh.. okay then."

She quickly wrote it on a card and puts it in the flowers

"Here you go, please come again."

I smiled and nodded my head "I will come again."

I grabbed the flowers and Asuna's hand "Lets go baby, say bye to Miki"

Asuna turned around and waved with her other hand "Bye bye Mama!"

Miki's POV

After he asked for the flowers I quickly made them, then I heard the two talking about me being the mom of that child

It freaked me out a bit, but I walk out and asked them if they wanted a card with it

Then he smiled at me and said a very weird thing to say on the card, but I don't think he was even talking about me.

I made the card and but it with the flowers, but then the baby called me mama, when they left my head started to hurt..

I shouldn't think to much, I have someone I love already.. but..

"I'm I really a mom?"

Kenshi's POV

I went to the graves with Asuna, I smiled and gave the flowers to Miko.

I prayed "Miko, is that really you in that flower shop."

I took Asuna and we went home.

When I got home I gave Asuna a bath, and I gave her some food to eat.

I picked her up and put her to bed, "Good night Asuna."

She smiled "Good night Mama and Papa."

I then went to right to bed too.

I woke up to remember that I was taking Asuna to preschool today

I woke her up and got her ready

We walked to the preschool, and I hugged her "Be safe, I'll be back to pick you up."

She nodded her head and the teacher grabber her hand "Lets go now."

I walked quickly to the flower shop to see Miki, but I kinda wish I didn't go..

Miki and this one dude were hugging, I got mad and I entered the room, they quickly separated "How can I help you?"

"Can I have the same as yesterday please."

She smiled and told him what to get, he agreed and went to go get them.

At first I didn't know who that guy was, but then when he got the flowers

He said my name "Kenshi! is that you?"

I turned around to see that it was my brother..

He smiled "Meet my girlfriend Miki"

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