The Hard Choice (not really xD)

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Kenshi's POV

I looked at her "I... I'll stay with you.."

She smiled "I knew you would choose me over someone who told you to move on!!"

She then closed her eyes meaning that she wanted to kiss

I kissed her, and after that I told her that we should continue watching T.V.

I continued watching it, and she said words that Daggered my heart and it made my chest ache badly..

Miko: Does anyone have questions for me?

Random person: Yes! Who is the Father of that child of yours? What is he like?"

Miko: Oh! He is an amazing person, and I don't ever regret meeting him!!

I felt bad that I lied to him. About my death, but I kinda wanted to see what he would do, also to see if he would take care of the child."

Random Person: Are you planning to go back to him?

The T.V. went black..

I turned the T.V. off

"Lets go to the room okay?"

She grinned, then she grabbed my hand "Okay!!"

When we got in the room we pulled me onto the bed with her making me fall on top of her "Are you okay D:"

She giggled "Yeah, I'm fine as long as I have you ^.^"

She kissed me, and when she did I kissed her back then taking things further and further.. I closed my eyes forcing myself to be with her

But I don't want her to be sad, so I stayed with her..

Miko's POV

"Ahh the interview was nice!" I said to myself

"I can't wait to see My Dummyy Kenshii!!"

I was skipping, and then 3 people stood in front of me "Miko?? Is that you?"

I tiled my head a little confused-Thinking- That girl looks like me, while this dude kinda reminded me of Kenshi.. and the little girl looks like both of them.."

"Don't you remember me!! it's me Natsu!!."

My eyes opened wide "WAHH NATSUUU!! You!! got a wife and a child!!"

He laughed "Nah, not yet this is my girlfriend Miki, while this is your child Asuna."

My eyes got watery "Asuna.."

The little girl ran to me and hugged me "Mama!! I missed you so much T^T."

I hugged her back with tears coming down my face "I missed you too."

I then turned around to Natsu and Miki, "So you guys are taking her for a walk?"

They had a confused face on them "Umm.. didn't Kenshi tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I was so confused 0.0??

They fake smiled "ahah nothing!! ahah lets go to Kenshi's house!!"

I held Asuna's hand and we walked to the house.

When we got there I knocked at the door..

After that I pouted and I decided to finally take the key out of my bag ( I was lazy to take the key out ahah.)

Went in the house, and I took off my shoes, after that Natsu and Miki entered the house and I guided them into the living room

I then let go only Asuna's hand and I told her to go play with her uncle an aunty

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