Chapter 1

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"Nohrian scum!" Takumi shouted as he shot arrows at the Nohrian army. He was a good archer, but he desperately wished this war would end. Not only because the people of both nations are suffering, food and water shortages, disease and death, but also because he wanted to meet his Nohrian equivalent, Leo. He only met him once, but he instantly started crushing on him.
"Surrender now or prepare for death!" Takumi's older brother Ryoma shouted. Ryoma was next in line for the throne, but who knows what could happen. He could die in battle, meaning that Takumi would be next in line, and he didn't think he could handle such a task, especially since the one he loves is on the other side of the border.
"The Nohrians! They've begun their retreat!" Azura shouted to the others.
"Take that, Nohrian scum!" Takumi shouted. The Hoshidan army began making their way back to the castle.
"We won!" Azura pranced around happily.
"Don't get too happy, who knows what could happen tomorrow." Ruin sighed as he took off his armor. Takumi looked out the window, seeing the Nohrian castle on the horizon.
"Something wrong, Takumi?" Ryoma asked.
"Oh, no. Nothing at all." Takumi turned around to face his older brother.
"Well, I suggest you get some rest. Who knows what could happen tomorrow." Ryoma patted his little brother on the shoulder.
"Alright." Takumi sighed as he walked to his room. He waited until he knew everyone was asleep, especially Ryoma. If he ever found out about something like this, Takumi would be dead meat. He grabbed a candle and quietly snuck out of his room. He went downstairs to see guards lined up against the walls of the castle. Slowly walking to the door facing the Nohrian and Hoshidan border, he managed to get one of the guard's attention.
"Prince Takumi," the guard bowed, "What are you doing up at this hour?"
"I need you to deliver a message, if you don't mind." Takumi smiled nervously.
"To who and what's the message?" The guard asked.
"To prince Leo of Nohr, tell him to meet me on the border tomorrow night. I need to have a conversation with him." Takumi responded.
"Right away, Prince Takumi." The guard responded as he got up on his horse.
"Thank you, very much." Takumi smiled.
"You're welcome, prince Takumi." The guard responded as he rode off to Nohr.

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