Chapter 3

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"10:30?" Takumi asked the guard the next morning.
"That's what prince Leo told me to tell you." The guard responded.
"I see, hopefully I can make that work." Takumi sighed.
"Takumi!" Ryoma shouted. Takumi sighed as he rolled his eyes.
"What is it, Ryoma?"
"You need to come practice your archery!" Ryoma shouted. Takumi rolled his eyes once more.
"Thank you for delivering the message." Takumi smiled as he ran off.
"What took you so long? Don't you know that archery is very important to win this war?" Ryoma sighed, handing his younger brother his bow and arrows.
"Sorry, I tripped on the way over." Takumi lied.
"Are you okay?" Ryoma asked, somehow believing the story.
"I'm fine, now, back to archery." Takumi responded. The sounds of a dragon were echoing through the castle borders.
"Sounds like Azura is helping out Corrin again." Ryoma stated.
"Can't believe that guy can turn into a dragon. I want to be a dragon! No, I'd rather be a-." Takumi began.
"Focus, Takumi. You have archery to practice." Ryoma interrupted.
"Right." Takumi focused his attention back on the target. He drew the arrow back, aiming at the target, and released the arrow.
"Bull's eye!" Takumi shouted.
"You truly are an excellent archer. I'm sure you'll make some young woman very happy one day." Ryoma smiled.
"Y-Yeah.." Takumi sighed as he aimed another arrow.
"Your use of magic is getting better, Leo." Dwyer stated as he walked into the training room.
"Thank you, Dwyer." Leo turned around and smiled.
"Do you need anything?" Dwyer asked.
"If you could bring me up a glass of tomato juice that would be great." Leo responded.
"Hah," Dwyer smiled, "You and your tomatoes." Leo smiled as he turned around to practice some more. A few minutes later, Dwyer returned with a glass of tomato juice.
"Thank you, very much, Dwyer." Leo thanked as he took the glass.
"It's not a problem, prince Leo." Dwyer smiled.
"Dwyer!" Jakob called from upstairs.
"Coming!" Dwyer shouted back, "It was nice to see you, prince Leo."
"Nice to see you too." Leo responded as Dwyer left the room. Leo closed his book and sat in the chair, holding his glass of tomato juice in hand.
"What kind of conversation would Takumi want to have with me? Why me? Wouldn't it be better to talk to Xander?" He took a sip of his drink.
"10:30 tonight, hopefully he'll show up."

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