Chapter 14

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The dungeon was cold, damp, and dark. The only thing lighting up Leo and Takumi's cell was a single candle.
"Leo..this is my fault," Takumi hugged Leo, "I am so sorry I dragged you into this."
"It's okay, Takumi. Really, it is. As long as I'm with you, nothing could get any worse." Leo smiled as he hugged Takumi.
"I..honestly thought we'd be okay." Takumi began to cry, "I thought everything would be alright."
"Don't cry, Takumi. It's not your fault." Leo rubbed his back as a way of comforting him.
"Just know, that I will protect you at all costs, because I love you, and I care about you." Takumi stated.
"And I'll do the same for you." Leo replied.
"The battle is almost over, and we will win.." Azura told herself, "For Hoshido!"
"For Hoshido!" The soldiers shouted back. It was going to be an easy win. Azura had her song, and King Garon is dead. Azura began to sing the song.
The cheerful hollers could be heard outside.
"Hoshido..they won.." Takumi sighed in relief.
"But, now it's our turn.." Leo reminded him.
"Oh, that's right." Takumi sighed. The door to the dungeon opened as Saizo opened the cell door.
"Both royal families are waiting for your arrivals."
Each prince stood on the battlefield, each holding a sword in one hand.
"You must try to kill the other," Ryoma stated.
"Last one standing wins." Xander finished.
"Leo," Takumi whispered, "Let's each kill each other, at the same time." He pointed his sword at Leo's chest.
"Okay.." Leo put on a fake smile as he pointed his sword at Takumi's chest.
"3.." Ryoma began to count down, "2..1.."
"GO!" Xander shouted. Leo stabbed Takumi in the chest, Takumi didn't do anything.
"TAKUMI!" Leo shouted.
"C-Congrats, Leo," Takumi smiled as his eyes began to close, "You win."
"NO! TAKUMI!" Leo rushed to Takumi's aid, but he was already dead.
"It's settled. Come, return home, Leo." Xander grabbed his brother by the collar and dragged him back to the castle.
"I can't believe that just happened." Leo sobbed as he paced around his room.
"Leo, it's time for dinner." Dwyer entered Leo's room.
"Okay." Leo responded as he rushed out of the room. He went downstairs to eat with his brothers and sisters.
"So, we may have lost the war, but we do get a new king!" Elise smiled.
"Yes, and that means Leo is next in line for the throne!" Camilla squealed in excitement.
"Isn't that exciting, Leo?" Xander asked, but Leo didn't respond.
"Look, I know that what happened was scarring. But keep in mind, that you needed to be punished." Xander sighed.
"Also, Xander's coronation is tonight! Dress to impress, Leo!" Camilla smiled, trying cheer up her brother.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Leo took his glass of tomato juice and went upstairs to his room.

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