Chapter 5

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"Did any stupid Nohrians cross the border?" Ryoma asked Takumi upon his return.
"No, those Nohrian scum stood on their own side." Takumi responded.
"Good. If any of those Nohrians were to cross the border, Ryoma would chop their head off." Azura chuckled.
"Heh.." Takumi played along, "Yeah, those..stupid Nohrians."
"Is the border alright? No Hoshidans crossing over?" Camilla asked, hugging her brother.
"Everything's fine." Leo responded, pushing Camilla away.
"Good. I will stab any Hoshidan that touches you." Xander patted Leo on the back.
"It' nice of you to look after me, Xander." Leo smiled nervously, "Now, I'm going to bed."
"Good night, Leo!" Camilla shouted.
"Camilla please, the other's are trying to sleep." Xander sighed.
"Right, sorry." Camilla whispered.
"Chop their heads off.." Takumi sighed as he lay in his bed, "This relationship is very risky." He drank his glass of water, "If Leo ends up dying, I'm going to kill myself.."
"If Xander ends up stabbing Takumi, I couldn't live with myself." Leo drank a glass of tomato juice, "I just couldn't."
The next morning, Jakob and Dwyer were bickering with each other.
"Dwyer, if you're going to do things, do them right!"
"No! You aren't sorry! You clearly aren't fit for the royal family, so you should just leave." Jakob sighed as he cleaned up the broken plate.
"I'm not leaving, Jakob. If you have a problem, talk with Garon." Dwyer responded.
"There's no way I'm talking with Garon." Jakob whispered.
"Oh? Why's that?" Dwyer asked with a smirk.
"Because," Jakob whispered, "He..freaks me out. He-."
"Scares you?" Dwyer interrupted.
"Yes, he scares me." Jakob responded.
"Scared of the one you serve? That's a new one." Dwyer chuckled.
"Shut up, Dwyer and do your job." Jakob sighed.
"Then I guess I'm not leaving." Dwyer smiled as he walked off.
"Dwyer I'm going to kill you." Jakob mumbled to himself.
"Prince Leo, you're awake early." Dwyer greeted as he walked into Leo's room.
"Oh, hello Dwyer." Leo greeted.
"I heard you went to check on the border last night, anything interesting happen?" Dwyer asked as he looked through Leo's bookshelf.
"Uhh..." Leo began, he had to think of something, he didn't want Dwyer to know about what happened last night. He might tell Xander, who would tell Garon, and he'd be dead.
"No, nothing really." Leo lied to Dwyer.

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