Chapter 4

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"I'm going to check the border!" Takumi said as he grabbed his bow and arrows.
"Be careful out there, Takumi!" Azura shouted. Takumi hopped on his horse and rode out to the border, hopefully getting there in time. It was dark, and got colder as he rode towards the border.
"I'm checking the border." Leo stated as he grabbed his book and saddled up his horse.
"Remember, Leo. Kill any Hoshidan who tries to pick a fight with you." Xander reminded him.
"I know, Xander. I know." Leo sighed as he rode off.
"Nohrian scum." Takumi said as he jumped off his horse.
"Hoshidan waste." Leo sighed, stepping off his horse.
"Listen, Leo. There's something I need to tell you-." Takumi began.
"Yeah, there's something I need to tell you, as well." Leo interrupted, his face turning a light pink color.
"Are you, blushing?" Takumi asked, holding back his laughter.
"No!" Leo shouted back.
"Haha, yes you are." Takumi smiled.
"Anyway," Leo began, lowering his head, "What were you going to say?"
"Well, I really hope this doesn't sound weird, but..Leo.." Takumi began, he was nervous to speak, he hoped Leo would say yes, "I love you, and I was wondering, if you'd want to-."
"Be your boyfriend?" Leo interrupted, "Takumi, look. From the time we first met, I've been crushing on you. I would love to be your boyfriend, if our nations weren't neck-in-neck."
"We can make it work." Takumi responded.
"How? If my father finds out about this, I'll be dead." Leo responded.
"We can meet at the border every night, and catch up." Takumi responded.
"But what if we go into battle?" Leo asked.
"Easy, we'll most likely go up against each other, we take our 'battle' to the woods, and wait until everything dies down." Takumi responded.
"Hopefully this works out in our favor." Leo sighed.
"Hopefully." Takumi sighed. Leo began to get back up on his horse when Takumi stopped him, "Wait, Leo."
"What is it?" Leo asked as he stepped off his horse.
"Can I have a kiss before we part?" Takumi asked.
"Of course." Leo smiled as he walked onto Hoshidan land. He leaned forward and kissed Takumi on the lips, "I'll see you tomorrow night?"
"Tomorrow night." Takumi smiled as he got up on his horse. Leo doing the same.
"I love you, Leo." Takumi said.
"I love you too, Takumi." Leo smiled.

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