Chapter 11

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"Another day, another battle." Xander sighed as he got his weapon ready.
"What do you mean?" Leo asked, getting his stuff together.
"I mean, we're going into battle. If we don't win, we're dead meat. Also, the Hoshidans have crossed the border." Xander responded.
"Takumi.." Leo said to himself.
"Hmm?" Xander asked, looking over at his younger brother.
"Oh, nothing. Just getting my stuff ready. We'll show the Hoshidan waste who we really are!" Leo shouted enthusiasm.
"Now, that's what I like to hear." Xander patted Leo on the back, "Guess what?"
"King Garon, our father, will be placed on the front lines." Xander stated.
"But, there's no more room on the front lines, someone has to be booted out." Leo responded.
"Yeah, hope you don't mind." Xander sighed.
"Hope I don't-?" Leo began, "Ohh..yeah, not at all."
"Good, I was hoping you'd be okay with it." Xander smiled. This made it easier for him to meet up with Takumi.
"Guys! Come on!" Peri shouted.
Takumi scanned the area as Ryoma and Xander were shouting at each other. Where's Leo? He's usually on the front lines. He managed to find Leo towards the back. Guess his spot was taken by that blood-thirsty King Garon.
"Then we shall fight to the death!" Ryoma shouted.
"You Hoshidans are no match for us!" Xander shouted back. The soldiers went at it, killing each other off. Leo met up with Takumi in the woods.
"Almost couldn't find you. I see your father has taken your place on the front lines." Takumi stated.
"Yeah, but it was for the best. After all, it would be easier for me to get to you." Leo responded.
"True, that's a good point." Takumi smiled, "So, your castle this time?"
"Yes." Leo smiled. The two races to the castle, managing to sneak in.
"Since we're in my castle, I'm dominating." Leo said.
"Just because we're in your castle doesn't mean that you top." Takumi pushed Leo down onto the bed.
"Ugh..fine.." Leo sighed. Takumi began biting on that sweet spot once more, small moans escaping Leo's mouth every now and then. Takumi licking Leo's neck once in a while.
"Takumi..~." Leo moaned. Takumi sat upwards, and looked at Leo..below the waist.
"May I?"
" want." Leo responded. Takumi nodded as he undid Leo's buckles and buttons. He lowered his head.
"A-Ahh! T-Takumi~!" Leo moaned in pleasure. Takumi kept going, knowing that his lover was pleased by his actions. The castle echoed with Leo's moans, luckily, nobody was in the castle.
"Does it feel good?" Takumi asked, substituting his hand.
"Y-Yes.." Leo moaned.

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