Chapter 13

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Leo got out of bed, by the way the sky looked, it was around 10:45 pm. He didn't plan on taking his horse to this meeting, just himself and a weapon incase an enemy decided to present itself. He slowly walked down the halls, trying not to wake anyone. He managed to get to the front door, and left. Xander following behind, trying not to get caught.
Takumi walked around the yard outside the castle, making sure nobody was around. He began his journey for his third meeting with Leo at the border. He walked through the field, not noticing Ryoma following him from a distance.
The two met at the border. Both Xander and Ryoma had the same idea, hide in the bushes and trees.
"It's been so difficult trying to keep this relationship up." Takumi sighed.
"I know, but think about it, tomorrow is the final battle! Then, after this war is over, we can be free to see each other whenever!" Leo smiled.
"Yeah, just one more battle.." Takumi sighed.
"Is something wrong?" Leo asked.
"If Hoshido wins, most likely Ryoma will shut the border so no Nohrians can enter. I don't know if the same goes for Nohr." Takumi responded.
"Oh, yeah. Didn't think about that. Most likely the same if Nohr wins." Leo sighed.
"But, we're here together now, and that's all that matters." Takumi smiled as he picked Leo up and swung him around into a hug, "I love you, so much!"
"I love you too!" Leo smiled.
"So, what time should tomorrow's border meeting be?" Takumi asked.
"I don't think there will be a meeting tomorrow, Takumi." Ryoma appeared from the bushes, pointing a weapon at Takumi.
"Stay right where you are, Leo." Xander appeared and pointed a weapon at Leo.
"Oh my god.." Leo whispered.
"No, this can't be happening.." Takumi whispered.
"I see you both tried a secret relationship with each other.." Ryoma began.
"You really think you two could sneak something like that past us?" Xander finished.
"You are both under arrest under Hoshidan order, and will be kept in the dungeon underneath the Hoshido castle." Ryoma ordered.
"Your punishment will be served tomorrow, after the final battle." Xander added.
"T-Takumi.." Leo's eyes began to fill with tears, "Y-You said we'd be okay."
"I know," Takumi began to cry as well,  "I thought we would, Leo. I thought we'd be okay."

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