Chapter 7

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The two walked through the forest, making sure not to get caught.
"Will we be okay?" Leo asked as he continued walking.
"We'll be fine, look, can you see the castle on the horizon?" Takumi asked. Leo looked in front of him,
"Yes, I do."
"The battle won't be over for at least another seven hours at this rate." Takumi responded.
"Good." Leo sighed in relief.
"Where's Takumi?!" Ryoma looked around.
"Probably engaging in battle with prince Leo of Nohr. If you can't tell, Leo's gone too." Azura responded.
"I see. Hopefully, Takumi wins." Ryoma responded.
"Yes, it would be a great burden if he lost." Azura sighed as she began to sing that famous song of hers.
"Shh.." Leo stopped in his tracks. Azura's singing echoed through the woods, "You hear that?"
"Yeah, it's Azura's singing." Takumi responded.
"It's" Leo responded.
"Don't listen to it too much, Leo. It's used to rile down the soldiers, for an easier victory." Takumi stated.
"I see." Leo responded, Azura's singing fading off into the distance.
"Look, we've reached the castle. All the guards are off fighting, so it'd be easy to sneak in." Takumi stated.
"Same with the Nohrian guards, they're all off fighting too." Leo said.
"Shall we?" Takumi asked as he opened the door.
"We shall." Leo smiled as he walked inside.
"We might win another battle." Ryoma stated.
"Another victory for Hoshido!" Corrin shouted.
"If we win, that's three victories in a row!" Azura chimed in.
"Keep singing, Azura! It's working!" Corrin smiled.
"T-Takumi.." Leo looked over at Takumi, who had his shirt off.
"Like what you see, Leo?" Takumi smirked, "My god you're such a bottom."
"B-Bottom?" Leo asked as his face turned a bright red.
"Bottom. Uke. Submissive." Takumi responded.
"" Leo tried to speak.
"You know it too." Takumi interrupted. He sat on top of Leo and proceeded to slip his shirt off.
"Takumi, you're-." Leo began.
"I know, hopefully you're okay with it. We can stop if you're feeling uncomfortable." Takumi interrupted.
"N-No..I'm okay." Leo responded.
"Are you sure?" Takumi asked, just to make sure he was truly okay with it.
"Yes.." Leo responded.
"Alright." Takumi smirked. He bent down, moving Leo's hair out of the way. He began licking his neck, attempting to find his sweet spot. He licked a little above his shoulder, Leo shuddering in response along with a small moan. He found it.
"You like that, don't you?" Takumi teased, "Go on, tell me you do."
"I.." Leo began. Takumi licked over the spot again, another small moan escaped Leo's mouth, "Like.." Takumi repeated his action, Leo moaned a third time "It.."
"Good." Takumi smirked. He moved his hands around Leo's back, lowering them until he grabbed his butt,
"Didn't your father say not to cross on to Hoshidan territory?"
"Y-Yeah.." Leo responded, looking up at Takumi.
"You disobeyed your father, now you must be punished."

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