Chapter 10

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The two met at the border, right on time.
"Nice to see you again, Leo." Takumi smiled.
"Same to you, Takumi." Leo responded,
"Next time we engage in battle, we're going to my castle."
"As you wish." Takumi replied with a smirk.
"Also, I'm starting to feel as if my siblings are feeling suspicious about me coming to the border every night." Leo stated.
"Yeah, I'm starting to feel the same way." Takumi added.
"What do we do now?" Leo asked.
"Isn't it obvious? We sneak out." Takumi responded.
"What time do we sneak out to meet here at the border tomorrow night?" Leo asked.
"11:30." Takumi responded.
"Man, that's late." Leo replied.
"Yes, but it's worth it just to see you." Takumi smiled.
"Yes, it's worth it just to see you." Leo smiled back. Takumi stepped over on to Nohrian land to kiss Leo on the lips,
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
"See you tomorrow!" Leo smiled as he got up on his horse.
"Love you!" Takumi shouted as he began to walk off.
"Love you too!" Leo shouted back.
"How's the border?" Charlotte asked Leo upon his return.
"No Hoshidans." Leo responded, taking off his armor.
"That's a relief. Tomorrow, we defeat Hoshido. This is the second to last battle until the war is over." Xander stated.
"Good. I can't wait to get this over with." Leo sighed as he went upstairs.
"I wonder why he wants to visit the border.." Camilla wondered.
"I don't know, but if he goes tomorrow, I'm following him." Xander responded.
Takumi managed to sneak into his room without being questioned by his siblings or anyone else who was in the castle. He got into his pajamas and crawled into bed.
"11:30, hopefully Leo can make it."
"Why does Takumi want to head to the border every night?" Azura asked.
"Maybe he has something personal." Corrin suggested.
"I'm going to ask him tomorrow." Ryoma stated.
"No!" Hinoka shouted, "If you want to find out, you have to follow him."
"True, because then you'd seem suspicious." Azura responded.
"Yeah, and the last thing I want to do is seem suspicious." Ryoma sighed.
The next morning, Corrin, Azura, Ryoma, and Takumi were back to training.
"There might be another battle today, would your dragon mode be controlled by then?" Azura asked.
"I'll be fine, I promise." Corrin responded.
"Okay, that's a relief." Azura sighed.
"Remember, focus on the target, and only the target." Ryoma stated.
"Can't I do something other than archery? I mean, you said I already was an excellent archer. Can't you teach me sword-fighting?" Takumi asked.
"Fine, I guess so." Ryoma sighed.
"Prince Ryoma!" Saizo called.
"Saizo? What is it?" Ryoma asked.
"I heard we were invading Nohr today. Is it true?" Saizo asked.
"Yes, we're invading in about 2 hours. Do me a favor and get the army ready, would you?" Ryoma responded.
"Right away, prince Ryoma." Saizo bowed and he walked off.

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