Chapter 2

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There was a knock at the door. Prince Xander got up out of his bed and walked to the door. He was still very tired from yesterday's battle. He took a candle and walked down to the main door.
"A Hoshidan?" Xander asked as he opened the door, readying his weapon.
"I mean no harm, prince Xander. I just have a message for prince Leo." The guard stated.
"I see, I'll go wake him. Wait here." Xander narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he walked back upstairs.
"Leo," Xander shook his brother's arm, "Leo, wake up."
"What is it, Xander? I'm trying to sleep." Leo asked as he sat up.
"There's a Hoshidan messenger at the door. Says he has a message for you." Xander responded.
"A Hoshidan messenger? Probably wants to warn us of another battle or something." Leo sighed as he stood up. He began to walk out the door when Xander stopped him.
"Leo, aren't you going to take a weapon with you?"
"No, if anything, I can take him out with my hands." Leo responded as he continued down the stairs.
"If you say so." Xander sighed as he went back to his room. Leo went down to the door to see a Hoshidan guard in the doorway.
"I have a message from prince Takumi, for you, prince Leo." The guard stated.
"Alright, what's the message?" Leo asked.
"Prince Takumi wants you to meet him on the border tomorrow night. He says he needs to have a conversation with you, prince Leo." The guard responded.
"I see. Tell him I'll meet him on the border at 10:30 pm, tomorrow night." Leo responded.
"As you wish, prince Leo. Good night." The guard responded as he rode off.
"What was that about, prince Leo?" Xander asked as he and Camilla walked down the stairs.
"Oh, don't tell me we're going into another battle!" Camilla whined as she pulled Leo into a hug.
"No, we're not." Leo responded as he pushed Camilla away. As much as he loved her hugs, he wasn't in the best of moods.
"Than what did that Hoshidan messenger want with you?" Xander asked, looking at Leo suspiciously.
"Just to let me know that some of our dogs have entered Hoshido. I'm surprised they didn't kill them." Leo responded.
"Shouldn't they have talked to dad about that, then?" Camilla asked.
"Garon's a killing machine. Before that guard could even get one word out of his mouth, he'd be dead." Xander responded.

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