Chapter 6

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Takumi awoke to the sounds of Corrin in his dragon mode, roaring louder than usual.
"Nohrians!" Ryoma shouted, "Assemble the military!"
"Nohrians.." Takumi got out of bed and grabbed his bow and arrow, "Leo!"
Please, let me see Takumi during the battle. Leo thought to himself as they approached the battle field. He could hear the roars and footsteps of the approaching Hoshidans.
"Nohr!" He heard prince Ryoma call out, "Surrender now and no harm will be dealt at you!"
"How about you surrender, Hoshido! We've come full of rage and we will unleash it if you don't surrender now!" Prince Xander shouted back. As each side got their weapons ready, Leo was able to spot Takumi.
"Leo.." Takumi spotted his boyfriend in the crowd of Nohrian soldiers. He was on the front lines, making it a little more difficult to get him into the nearby woods. He tilted his head towards the woods, Leo nodding in agreement.
"Well if you don't surrender, I guess we're going to have to fight!" Ryoma shouted as he sent his wave of soldiers at the Nohrian army.
"Then I guess we will too!" Xander shouted as he sent his soldiers at the Hoshidan army. Leo ran off into the woods, going undetected. Takumi doing the same.
"This relationship is a little risky, Takumi." Leo sighed, hearing the shouts and screams of soldiers getting killed.
"I know it is. But we will make it." Takumi assured Leo, grabbing his hand.
"How? Our nations are going-." Leo began.
"Against each other, I know. But, how about instead of fighting, we head over to my castle and..well..fight for dominance." Takumi smirked.
"I'm down, let's go." Leo stood up.
"Not yet, let's stay here until the battle's in full swing." Takumi pulled Leo back down.
"Then, what do we do until then?" Leo asked.
"We can make arrangements for our border meeting tonight." Takumi suggested.
"Same time?" Leo asked.
"No, then it will get suspicious after a while." Takumi responded.
"Then, what time?" Leo asked.
"How about, 10:45?" Takumi asked.
"That's fine by me." Leo smiled.
"Good." Takumi sighed. Leo looked over at Takumi. My god, he's hot. He thought to himself. He slowly made his way over to Takumi, who started to drift off. Leo leaned down and kissed Takumi on the lips.
"I was hoping you'd fall for that." Takumi smirked as he rolled over. Leo was on the ground now, with Takumi looking down at him, "I think we know who's dominant." Leo gave Takumi a look of embarrassment, his face turning a bright red.
"Aww, is little Leo embarrassed?" Takumi teased as he kissed Leo. Leo broke the kiss and sat upwards.
"Sounds like the battle's in full swing, let's go."
"Alright." Takumi responded.

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