ALTERNATE ENDING (for readers who don't like yaoi)

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The two began their way to the Hoshidan castle.
"Hopefully we'll make it." Leo said, he was worried.
"We will, I swear," Takumi smiled, "Look, I see the castle in the distance. The screams of soldiers dying faded into the distance.
"You do know that I love you, right?" Takumi asked, looking at Leo.
"Yes." Leo responded.
"And you do know that I would protect you at all costs, right?" Takumi asked.
"Yes." Leo repeated.
"Good, it's because I love you." Takumi smiled.
"I love you too, Takumi. I would do anything to protect you, as well." Leo responded.
"Alright, let's end this love story here." A voice called from behind. Leo and Takumi turned around to see Ryoma, holding a sword in his hand, "Takumi, what did I say would happen if a Nohrian were to start something with you?"
"Uhh.." Takumi didn't want to say anything.
"Go on, say it!" Ryoma shouted.
"Th-That you would..c-cut their head o-off.." Takumi's eyes began to fill with tears.
"Takumi, don't cry." Leo tried to comfort him.
"Don't..touch..the prince." Ryoma ordered.
"Takumi, I will protect you at all costs. I said it, and I will live up to it." Leo whispered, rubbing his back to comfort him.
"I said..DON'T TOUCH THE PRINCE!" Ryoma shouted as he charged at Leo. Leo took out his book and began to use magic. He created a barrier between Ryoma and Takumi and himself.
"I will not let you do anything, prince Ryoma." Leo stated as he watched Ryoma try to break the shield. Takumi looked up and saw Leo and Ryoma. He took out his bow and arrow.
"I'll take it from here, Leo. If he breaks the shield."
"No, Takumi. I told you I'd protect you, and I will do so." Leo responded.
"Well, now it's you who needs the protecting." Takumi got an arrow ready as Ryoma broke the shield.
"HOSHIDAN WASTE!!" Leo shouted as he charged at Ryoma. Takumi shot the arrow at Ryoma, but Ryoma's sword cut through the arrow. Takumi took out a small sword he always carried with him incase something like this would happen. Leo tried another spell but Ryoma knocked the book out of his hand. Ryoma knocked Leo to the ground and pointed the sword at him,
"Prepare to die, Nohrian scum."
"No! I won't let you kill him!" Takumi shouted as he charged at Ryoma. Leo tried to get back up but the sword was dangerously close to his neck.
"There's no need for your dilly-dallying, Takumi." Ryoma broke Takumi's sword and threw him off to the side, focusing his attention on Leo.
"L-Leo.." Takumi called, trying to get back up. Leo looked over at him, tears rolling down his face. Takumi felt tears running down his face as well, as he watched Ryoma getting ready to kill the one he loved.
"T-Takumi..I just want to say..I lo-." Leo began, but Ryoma stabbed Leo's neck, killing him instantly.
"LEO!" Takumi cried, trying to stand up.
"Nohrian scum." Ryoma said in disgust, "Takumi, you-."
"L-Leo.." Takumi held Leo's head in his lap, "I'm so sorry.." Tears began to hit Leo's face, "I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you." His sobs grew louder and louder.
"Takumi-." Ryoma began.
"SHUT UP, RYOMA!" Takumi interrupted, he looked over at his older brother.
"Takumi I-." Ryoma tried to speak.
"I SAID SHUT UP, RYOMA!" Takumi yelled again, "I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!" Takumi looked down at Leo's corpse.
"You're in big trouble once we get home. Dating a Nohrian, especially from the royal family. Disgusting." Ryoma stated as he began to walk back to the battle field.
"Leo.." Takumi whispered, "I..I will avenge you, I will avenge your death.." Takumi grabbed the little blade Leo kept in his pocket. He snuck up behind Ryoma and stabbed him in the back of the neck.
"Leo..I would kill myself to join you, but I will stay alive. I will keep fighting, for your sake."
"T-Takumi.." Ryoma looked up at his younger brother, and passed.
"Leo..I' very very sorry." Takumi apologized.

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