Chapter 12

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"Mmm.." Leo moaned as Takumi continued to slap him.
"Dating a Hoshidan is bad, didn't your father tell you? You should be punished." Takumi teased as he continued.
"More.." Leo moaned.
"What's that?" Takumi asked.
"I've..been a bad boy..I..must be punished." Leo moaned.
"Yes, bad boys need to be punished." Takumi smiled as he continued. He used his other hand to stroke Leo's hair.
"How's this?" Takumi asked.
"Amazing.." Leo replied.
"Good. I always want to please my man." Takumi smiled as he began nipping at Leo's sweet spot.
"Ahh..Takumi..this is amazing.." Leo moaned. Takumi smiled as he flipped Leo over on his back. Takumi smiled as he began to lick Leo's pecs.
"" Leo gasped.
"It's no use, we're going to have to retreat." Azura sighed.
"No, we can still fight." Ryoma responded.
"We lost 3/4 of our military! Continuing this battle is a suicide mission!" Corrin shouted.
"Prince Ryoma!" Saizo called, "Too much of our military is dead! The Nohrians are too much to handle at this rate, we have to retreat!"
"I guess we have no choice," Ryoma sighed, "RETREAT!" Ryoma called out to the remaining Hoshidan soldiers, "RETREAT!" The remaining soldiers began to flee, the Nohrians shouting in victory.
"Takumi," Leo sat up, "Listen." The shouts of Ryoma could be heard in the distance.
"We..lost.." Takumi stated in shock.
"Actually, I'm glad you lost." Leo stated.
"What?! How could you say such a thing?!" Takumi asked.
"If Hoshido won, my brothers, sisters, and myself would all be killed at the hands of my father." Leo responded.
"I see. Well, then I'm glad too." Takumi smiled.
"You better hurry up and catch up to the Hoshidan army while you still can. After all, we can't use the same excuse twice." Leo suggested.
"True," Takumi began as he adjusted his clothing, "See you tonight."
"See you tonight." Leo smiled as he put his armor back on. Takumi rushed through the woods as Leo joined his family out on the battlefield, all without getting caught.
"Victory for Nohr!" Xander shouted, raising a sword in the air.
"For Nohr!" The others shouted, raising their weapons into the air.
"Thanks to that victory," King Garon began, turning towards his children, "You all get to live another day."
"I can't believe we lost.." Ryoma sighed.
"Cheer up, Ryoma," Takumi began, "After all, isn't tomorrow the final battle? Declaring who wins this dreadful war?"
"True," Azura began, "We still have a chance to win this."

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