Chapter 9

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Xander and the others opened up the door when they were greeted by Takumi.
"So, I heard you guys won!"
"Yes, we did. How was your battle against Leo?" Corrin asked.
"Oh man I really put him in his place! He kept begging for mercy until he fled!" Takumi responded.
"That's great to hear! Now we can officially have our victory feast!" Azura exclaimed.
"Did somebody say feast?" A red-haired woman walked up being Azura.
"Hinoka!" Azura hugged her.
"Good to see you, Azura. Especially after that victory of yours." Hinoka smiled.
"Oh yes, such a triumphant victory!" Yukimura shouted with pride.
"Another Hoshido victory means the closer we are to winning this war!" Rinkah shouted as she ran over.
"Hoshido couldn't have won without Azura, Corrin, myself, and, of course, Saizo!" Ryoma pulled Saizo into a hug.
"Get off of me." Saizo ordered as he pushed Ryoma away.
"I shall prepare the victory feast." Setsuna called from behind.
"I'll help her, after all, we do have a lot of food to prepare!" Subaki added.
"Me too." Scarlet added as she ran into the kitchen.
"Leo! Where have you been?" Elise asked.
"Fighting Takumi. I won the battle. I made him cower in fear." Leo responded.
"At least someone won a battle." Camilla sighed, "You missed an angry Garon, you should be lucky."
"What? Did you guys lose?" Leo asked.
"Unfortunately. Dad said if we lose the next battle, we're all getting executed.
"That blood-thirsty bastard." Dwyer sighed.
"Dwyer! You shouldn't talk about the king like that!" Jakob whispered.
"Shut up, father." Dwyer sighed.
"Then isn't it obvious? You all need more training!" Peri shouted.
"Oh, hello Peri." Jakob bowed.
"What's up, Jakob?" Peri playfully punched Jakob's arm.
"I'm going to check the border again." Leo stated as he got on his horse.
"But you checked last night." Camilla responded.
"So? I can't check the border two nights in a row?" Leo asked as he rode off.
"Man, I'm full." Takumi sighed.
"That was really good, Setsuna, Scarlet, Subaki." Ryoma added.
"Thank you, prince Ryoma." The three of them thanked.
"I'm gonna go walk this off, okay?" Takumi stated as he walked towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Hinoka asked.
"Well, to the border. I could walk this all off and go check on the border at the same time." Takumi responded.
"I see, well, good luck!" Hinoka smiled.

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