Chapter 8

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Takumi flipped Leo over, stomach down on the bed.
"Takumi! What are you-?" Leo began, but was interrupted when Takumi slapped his butt. Leo's face turned a bright red, letting out a tiny moan of pleasure.
"You like that, don't you?" Takumi smirked as he slapped him again, "Is this how you're punished at home?" Leo will admit it, he did like it. Not when his father did it, it was brutal. Not when Xander or Camilla did it either because he knew it was a punishment. But when Takumi did it, it was like heaven to him. A reward. Takumi kept slapping him, over and over. Then he decided to take it up a notch. As he continued, he bent down over Leo's body, and began biting, licking, and sucking the sweet spot on his neck.
"A-Ahh..Takumi~." Leo moaned.
"You love this, don't you?" Takumi giggled.
" it." Leo moaned again.
"Good, I could keep this up for hours," Takumi responded, "But I won't." He sat up forward and flipped Leo back over.
"Wh-What?" Leo asked in confusion. Takumi examined Leo's body, wondering what to do next.
"Got it." Takumi said to himself. He bent down, and began kissing Leo's torso, all the way down to his waist. He made his way back up, leaving hickeys all over.
"Oh my..Takumi~." Leo moaned.
"Shh..." Takumi shushed him. He licked Leo's neck all the way up to his chin. He licked Leo's lips, demanding an entrance, and he got it. Takumi moved his tongue around Leo's mouth, even licking Leo's tongue.
"Ahh.." Leo moaned. Takumi licked the roof of Leo's mouth, and his tongue once more.
Azura's singing won Hoshido another victory, the Nohrian's left alive retreating in defeat.
"Takumi hasn't returned yet," Azura looked around, "Neither has Leo."
"I don't care about Leo, I only care about Takumi." Ryoma stated.
"Well, hopefully we find Takumi on the way home. We can have a celebratory feast!" Corrin suggested.
"That's a great idea, Corrin." Azura smiled. The three of them and the Hoshidan military made their way back to the castle.
"You lost again?!" King Garon shouted, "This isn't how I raised you!" Xander and Camilla lowered their heads.
"I raised you to be killing machines! To be winners! And this is how you pay me back?! By losing?!" King Garon shouted once more.
"We're sorry, father. We will win next time." Xander assured his father.
"You better, or you're all executed!" King Garon shouted.
"Yes, father!" Camilla responded.

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