Chapter 4

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Damon pov

I couldn't help it. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I've been alone for as along as I can remember. I know I'm like 100 years old but I still look 18. I gave up hope that I'd get my mate years ago. And what's even more surprising is that I worked with her mother for some years now. The moon goddess's daughter is my mate. Which is shocking really. Her brothers annoyed me to no end and they still do whenever we have a class together.

If they think that is going to keep me from taking my mate they're wrong. It just makes me want her more. During the incident lunch time it was highly amusing to watch those two boys get put in their place. They looked like they wanted to shit their pants. Someone is close to death... My demon or the grim reaper as people would say spoke to me. His voice was deep and strong but when we appear to people on their death bed our voice sounds like whispers.

Once school was over and I went home I realised that the person close to death was my mother. I sighed as I approached her room. She had one hour left. "I can feel you here darling." Even on her death bed her voice was still strong. I opened her door and walked up to her lying down on her bed. "Mother. You know-" she cut me off "I know. I've been alive for centuries with your father. When he died last year I began to weaken. I should've told you. But I couldn't. I'm sorry."

Sighing I sat next to her. "I found my mate." Her eyes lit up and a smile formed onto her face. "It's about time!" She laughed. "Is she human?" I shook my head no. "She's the moon goddesses daughter." Her eyes widened then she smiled. "I met the moon goddess daughter Jade once already. So you must mean Jade's daughter, Adriana." I raised an eyebrow at her "You knew her?" She smiled. "I met her when she was three. Such a livily girl she was. She'll be a wonderful mate for you." I nodded.

"Mother. How am I supposed to handle this?" She smiled at me more, if possible. "Well for one. You have to be patient with her. Let her get use to you. After a while staying away from each other will be challenging but once you're close to each other for a while you'll be able to withstand it and not go crazy. Two, make sure she knows you love her. There are other girls after your love and they'll be very jealous of her." I nodded. "So what if she doesn't want me?" Mom frowned. "Then she'd have rejected you already." I nodded.

Ten minutes. Alec said. I frowned as her eyes started to drop. Out of black smoke a necklace appeared with a ruby in it. "Give this to her when you're sure she'll be yours for eternity. Don't worry dear, I'll be watching over you my son." Her eyes closed and her breathing stopped. I sighed and sent her spirit off to wherever it is supposed to go. I took my mother's body and buried her in the cemetery right next to father. I stared at their graves for a while even in the rain. At least it washes away my tears.

I chose not to go to school for the rest of the week. I was to down to do so and might end up hurting people in my state. When I did go back out to school I was surprised to see that Adriana had walked up to me. She looked a little nervous. "Hey....are you okay?" She asked and looked up at me. I gave her a questioning look. She sighed. "I know what happened to your mom...." my eyes widened "How'd you know that?" "Uhh my mom is the moon goddess and since she died mom had to guide her demon to the next human. She wasn't too happy that your mom died." I nodded.

"Do- do you wanna sit with me until school starts?" I smiled slightly "Yeah sure." We walked into the school and put our stuff away in our lockers before we walked to the football field. Lots of boys gave me jealous glares and girls gave Adriana envied looks. When we passed by her family her mom and two other girls had huge smiles on their faces. Her brothers and I guess her dad gave me warning looks.

If you hurt my daughter I'll kill you myself. I looked over to see the boy uhh Daniel giving me death glares. He stopped when Jade hit him on his head and gave him a death glare. I chuckled as I saw him pout. "Your family is very....." "Weird?" She smiled "Interesting. I was gonna say interesting." She gave me a look that said I don't believe you. "Okay if you say so. I personally think that they are a bunch of weirdos. But hey!  They're my family and I love them just the way they are." She smiled. I'm never gonna get tired of seeing her smile. We were inside the school now going to head to class.

Suddenly someone zoomed passed us. I blinked trying to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I wasn't when I saw that the twins were on skate boards zooming down the halls. Adriana laughed "Hey Adri!! Come join!" As they were passing by us again they threw a board at her. "See I told you, weird." She laughed. "Doesn't that make you weird also?" She smirked. "I guess it does. Haha" She got on the board and started to skate down the halls. I was going to follow her until I stopped in my tracks.

I gaped as I saw Adri and Jade skating down the halls and the boys opened the door. They didn't stop but went faster. I ran towards the door worried but sighed as they jumped and stuck the landing. "Yeah! That was awesome!" One of the twins cheered as Jade and Adriana high fived each other. She looked back at me laughing. I looked at the side of me shocked to see the principal watching them. He sighed. "At least they didn't break anything. Those people are crazy." He walked back to his office. I chuckled. Yes. They are. I smiled as I continued to watch Adriana and her family.


I UPDATED LATE!!!!! *runs around room frantically screaming*

Jade: Calm your shit woman!  *slaps me*

OUCHH!!!!  *rubs bruised cheek* Anyways. I didn't update last Friday or Saturday and I'm sorry for that. I was working on a chapter and thought I updated you know I didn't.

Okay so when updates are now going to be random from now on and Fridays and Saturdays you'll most likely get more frequent updates.

YIP!  That's it I truly hoped you enjoyed this chapter even though it was short.....

Vote. (still don't know why)



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