Chapter 28

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Third pov

In the witches castle sitting on the throne was Karayan. He wore a thoughtful expression on his face. He felt as if there was something he was missing. "Why do you look so deep in thought?" A voice snapped him back to reality and he looked at Labitina. "I have a feeling that a certain family is still alive..." He stated going back to his thoughts. "Really?" Labitina mused before a smirk came upon her face "Let's find out shall we?" Her eyes darkened and glossed over her palms glowing a faint grey.

Karayan watched her hoping his assumption was wrong but then she smirked and uttered two words he didn't want to hear "Found you..." Labitina came out of her trance "Want me to bring them to you?" She asked. He shook his head "No. Leave them be for now. Let them bask in what they believe is their santuary." He chuckled. Labitina nodded and turned to leave "Where are you going?" He asked "To see your son. He's about to be born." Karayan stiffened. He forgot he had sex with a woman and she was able to bare him a child. He huffed looking at Labitina as she left.

I'd rather have her bare my child than that weak woman. My child will be that much stronger and I can watch as he rules the world while I bask in its chaos. Karayan chuckled to himself softly not knowing his thoughts were loud in the mind of Labitina, seeing as he didn't cut his mind link with her. Labitina snarled. She loved the idea of chaos death but using her to bare a child was a no go for her.  She wouldn't have minded if he asked but he was planning to take her by force. She blocked her thoughts from his a evil smile etching onto her face as she turned down a hall.

Entering a room that seemed quiet from the outside hut as soon as the door opened screams could be heard Labitina watched as the vampire that Karayan made bare a child for him cried out in nothing but pain. She could feel it the excessive pain that the woman was in and it was more than she should be in while giving birth. Labitina hummed to herself as she gracefully walked to beside the woman. She rest her hand over the woman's swollen stomach and eased the pain of the woman "Calm yourself. If you keep going like you are now, this baby will die." She stated. "Then let it die!" She screamed back.

"Then you shall die too." Labitina looked down at the terrified woman. "Whether you like it or not this baby is also yours. Granted that he or she was unwanted but still yours." The woman shook her head "I don't want my child to be like his father. " She began to sob "Then teach it otherwise. A baby is never born in darkness. It's born with light even when their powers are dark they can be born with the purest of souls. You are it's mother and you will tell it all the bad that it's father had done and see if it'll laugh or cry. It all depends on you." Labitina made the woman halt in her tears as she stayed and witnessed the birth of not one but two babies.

Two twin boys both with black hair. When they opened their eyes one had a red left eye and the other had a white left eye, both their right eyes were their mother's color. Green. Labitina left the room after and made her way to Karayan. She found him in his room. "Congratulations, they're twins." Karayan smirked satisfied with the news. "Boys, girl or both? " He asked. "Boys." Karayan nodded.

"Labitina come here." She went over to him and he held onto her hands. "Be my bride." He started "Rule the world by my side as their queen. Bare my children." As he said this he made sure that his eyes never left hers as he placed two cuffs on her hands. Labitina pulled away "We spoke of this already. My answer is still no." Karayan growled "You will be mine!" He yelled and tackled her slamming her into the nearest wall.

"I created you for me! You were just to bare my children! To make them powerful!" Labitina struggled against him realizing the cuffs were giving Karayan her power and draining her of energy "You are mine." "I am not!  If I was yours I'd have known! You'd have had my mate inside you by now!" Labitina snarled at him pushing him off "Keep away from me if you know what's best for you!" She turned about to leave when she suddenly went flying away from the door and into the opposite wall.

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