Chapter 32

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Third pov

As Daniel lay on the ground twitching ever so slightly Labitina stood next to him waiting. Kaleb, Reuben and Adriana didn't know what to do. If they attack it's risking their mates lives, if they didn't they could potentially lose their father too. Ophelia held onto Diamond-Ruby tightly as she whimpered softly trying her best to calm her down. Reuben took the chance to look away from Labitina and patted her head softly. She calmed down some but was still scared. "How touching... The love you all share..." Labitina spoke up drawing attention to her.

She was now sitting on a chair made entirely out of Shadows. She leaned forward "I bet Jade would have loved this. Her family, her grandchildren. Hm. Pity...she's dead." Kaleb growled "Do you intend to keep mocking us!?" He snapped. Labitina smirked. "I don't mock people, little one. I simply tell them the truth." She stated glancing from the twins to Adriana, a smirk forming on her face that had them paling and on guard, not sure what she'd do next. It's night already what is taking his transformation so long?  She thought annoyed. Well I'm going to keep messing with them until then. Her smirk grew.

"Tell me. How did you really feel towards your sister after your mother's death?" She asked. "Disappointed and sad. That's how we felt." Kaleb and Reuben stated in sync. Labitina smirked and waved her hand casuing dark mist to surround the twins and enter there noses.

They hunched over and began to cough before the golden streaks in their hair turned white. Still hunched over the twins took in deep shaky breaths as they slowly stood up. Their eyes were not longer brown rather it was a dark stormy gray.  Labitina smirked more chuckling to herself. "What'd you do to them!?" Adriana shouted. "You'll see soon enough dear." She answered before looking back at the twins "Now tell me, how did you really feel about Adriana after your mothers death." She asked once more.

Everyone saw it the twins tensed and went rigid, clenching their fists and teeth. Kaleb spoke first "How I felt? Do you know what it's like to wake up with the image of your mother dying because of your little sister being a stubborn brat? Yeah, I don't think so. I was angry. So, so angry at her, to the point of wanting her out of my sight. " Adriana's eyes widened. "I felt it too. Hot, boiling rage. Our mother was out trying to protect everyone and you got upset about it?" Reuben asked in disbelief  "Yeah she's not home, but for a good cause and even when she was you decided to not stay home. Then you go and do the most dumbest thing you could do. Be angry over it, behave like an attention seeking bitch in the worst times possible! And then you had the balls to play saddened daughter afterwards?" Reuben spat out clear anger in his eyes "Tch. Don't fuck with me." By the end of his little rant Adriana was in tears.

"I see, but not only you two felt this way. Everyone of you standing here did. You wanted her gone, out of the pack away from those she could potentially harm again for her selfish reasons..." Everyone in the pack looked down and away guilt filling them as what Labitina said was true. Adriana had broke down crying by then, feeling the emotions of her pack members. She thought she would've been the one to feel betrayal at this time, but all she felt was guilt. Through the pack link everyone was feeling frustrated, anger, sadness, betrayal, loss and guilt all because of her and she knew she didn't have any reason to be feeling betrayed when she was in fact the cause of it in the first place.

The twins coughed again the mist disappearing from around them and their eyes and hair  going back to normal. Adriana except them to be angry with Labitina for controlling them but they weren't they just looked at her with blank confused faces. "What did you do to us?" They asked. "I made you say your darkest feelings towards your sister. I let her hear the truth and consequences of her actions." She answered them smirking. Kaleb and Reuben turned to Adriana who was being comforted by Damon, guilt washing over them. Yes they felt that way but they had gotten over it last year choosing to forgive her. "Adri..." They began but she shook her head "It's okay... I get it..." She whispered but they all heard her. They looked away from each other sadness taking over the whole pack.

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