Chapter 21

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Emerald pov

I smiled watching happily as wolves were being mercilessly whipped in order for them to submit to me. "Stop." I ordered making my loyal demons stop. "Will you submit to me now?" I asked smiling at them. One spit by my feet "You are not the goddess I serve." Anger grew in me as I knew they ment Jade. "Jade is dead." He growled a new fire sparking in his eyes. "No! I refuse to believe that she is gone!!" I growled "Submit to me and you'll live..." " I refuse..." I grew angry and got up to go over to him, the earth shook with every step I took. "Then you shall join your goddess that you so loyally follow." I whispered sinisterly into his ear before I grabbed him by his neck burning it. He clawed at my hands as I lifted him off the ground. I crashed his wind pipe then snapped his neck.

The men around him screamed. "Anyone else?" "I hope you die bitch!!" A little one no older than fifteen yelled. "Hmm, and you were so handsome too... " I thought biting my lip. Moving faster than he could see I had his neck in my mouth draining him of his blood. In less than a minute his heart had stopped and he was dead. I smiled and wiped the trail of blood that fell down my chin. "Will you follow me now?" I asked smirking at them as they nodded, the scent of fear rolling off of then in waves making me inhale deeply. "...Good..." with that black mist covered them converting them into demon wolves that did everything I wanted them to without question. "...welcome to the pack." They growled and bowed to me.

"New members?" I nodded "Only four, the rest of the pack died." I smirked up at him. He chuckled. "So it seems." Karayan laughed. He was now powerful enough to take the form of his human self, no longer needing to use a vessel, his wolf form remained the same and the scent of death and decay that followed smelled wonderful to me. "Tomorrow we're going to attack the dragons." I smiled widely "Am I coming?" He sighed brushing his hand against my face. "No." "But-" "I said no! You are still weak, sister. You've only just awaken and you need to adjust to your new body." He set his forehead against mine.

"In all my years, you've never left me. When I was trapped, I heard you trying to free me. You set me free at the cost of your life, your body was burnt and your soul hidden on the dark side of the moon so no one can save you, but I have found a worthy vessel for my sister and she's just as strong as you were." "No...she's stronger." I smirked "And I have all of her power..." Karayan laughed and kissed my forehead. "I know you hate being cooped up so for long. That's why while we attack the dragons you will take the vampires." I smirked "Killing two birds with one stone huh? I like it." He nodded "But you're going alone. You can handle them yourself can't you, sister?" I nodded. "Yes I can. Besides the vampire council and I have some unfinished business to attend to... " I said laughing darkly at the mear thought of the pain I'll put them in. Karayan smirked nodding in satisfaction.

"By the way brother, how is she?" I asked curious to if it worked. He sighed in frustration and made me follow after him. We entered a room and the woman we captured sat on the bed frowning at us. "I have no idea what to do with her. She's harder to please than I thought." I laughed and walked over to the vampire. I gripped her neck tightly digging through her memories of when she was wild and not timid as she is now. After finding the right one I played it in her head over and over again. I felt her begin to squirm under my hand and felt the lust from both my brother and her. I let her go walking back to him I showed him what to do and left him to it. Not a minute later and her screams could be heard. I smirked heading into my room only to stop as a pulsing headache suddenly arrived along with a heartbeat.

Aren't you wondering why your brother suddenly wants to have a child? I growled stumbling towards my room. "Jade..." He's getting tired of you failing him isn't he? He wants someone to succeed him. Someone powerful and of his blood. "I am of his blood... And I will be his successor until my nephew is strong enough to rule." I grew tired but I had reached my room in time. I just fell onto my bed. You'll see... When that boy is born he'll disregard you like trash. He wanted me as his wife but he needed you back for help. He doesn't love you the way you love him. He doesn't know what love is, not anymore. All he understands is loyalty and you've been just that, loyal. So he choose to bring you back. If you fail him you'll watch as we become one. Even if you do succeed, he still wants me here more than you. I glared and suddenly my heartbeat stopped and my headache disappeared.

I was angry so I decided to cool down by the hot bath behind my room. I set up a barrier making sure it'll alert me if my brother comes. I left Jade's body taking the form of my own. I could only keep it out for the night. I'm getting better soon I'll have my body back. I thought to myself as I sat in the water looking at my hands. Suddenly bigger rougher hands appeared above mine causing me to smile slightly. "You're just as beautiful as the last time I saw you..." His deep rough voice spoke. I turned and faced Kalyian my lover. I smiled touching his face. "I thought my brother killed you?" I asked shocked yet relived that he was still here.

"No he left me for dead but I didn't die. I had you to fight for still." I frowned looking away from him. "You deserve someone better than I..." He frowned "Why would you say such a thing, my love?" Tears welled in my eyes "Instead of sealing me away with our son... they took him from me." His frown deepened "They stabbed me right in my stomach and felt watched them pierce him right in his heart... They took him from me... They took away what was most important to me, to us." I finally let my tears fall. Kalyian looked upset and I didn't dare face him. I pulled away from him about to get out of the water when he suddenly pulled me back. I gasped and turned to face him only for his lips to crash into mine.

(Quick warning! Sexual shit is about to happen. If you don't want to read it just skip until you see the mention of  it's over.)

I instantly returned his kiss wrapping my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. His arms in turn snakes around my waist holding me tightly, we broke apart but he kept trailing kisses down my neck to the valley between my breast and back up.  "Are you not angry with me?" I asked as he kissed my ear. He looked at me no trace of anger in his eyes. "Never. I am not pleased with the vampires but I assume you have that covered." He said. I nodded and kissed him again. Not a moment later and I felt him hold onto my left breast and give it a firm squeeze. I moaned. I quickly made the place around us soundproof so brother won't hear us.

We broke the kiss but Kalyian instantly been sucking on the breast that he wasn't fondling with. I moaned holding his head in place as he switched sides. I reached my hand under the water and felt his member get hard. I wrapped my fingers around him making him groan at my touch. I smirked to myself, pleased that I still had this affect on him. I began to stroke him slowly but he moved his hips indicating that he wanted me to go faster and I complied. As I did that to him he placed a finger inside me making me gasp.

He spun me around, his chest meeting my back and continued his work. Soon we both climaxed. Suddenly he spun me around, lifted one of my legs and thrusted into me deeply. I gasped forgetting just how big he is. He smirked and began to move. I moaned at how deep inside he was going into me with at this angle. I wrapped my leg around him pulling him to go deeper. "Ah! Faster!" I begged and he smirked going faster. Kalyian lifted my other leg and I wrapped them around his waist and my arms around his neck. He grunted out my name as he came. I kissed him "You'll always be mine." He whispered before he thrust into me again.

He sat himself on the edge of the bath putting me on top of him. I swerved my hips and he moaned titling his head back in satisfaction. I then started to bounce on him and he held onto my breasts. I held onto him tightly as I climaxed but he wasn't finished and he kept going this time with me laying on the floor. He found my g spot and hit it so hard that I climaxed again, screaming his name. Soon he climaxed also and laid next to me.

(It's over!!!!)

I sighed and held Kalyian close to me. "I missed you so much my love." He smiled. "I as well. Understand that when you need me I'll be there. I will be by your side tomorrow when the vampires die." I nodded "How will you get passed my brother?" I asked now worrying. "Leave that to me. For now return to the body you occupy. I can see that I've taken most of your energy." He smirked and lifted me up. I smiled and kissed him again before I re-entered Jade's body. " See you tomorrow my love..." He whispered before the disappeared in the shadows.

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