Chapter 10

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Time for some happy moments!!!



Kaleb pov

I was pacing my room and Reuben was just watching me in amusement. "Dude I'm freaking out!" I said causing him to chuckle. "Isn't that Sarah's job? You're supposed to be the man here." I turned to the door to see dad and Ryan as dad said those words. I sighed and faced Ben. "You called them?" He nodded "Yip! He told us that you were freaking out for the last hour instead of getting ready for the date." Ryan stated. I groaned and plopped down on the bed "I didn't even get us a place to go to." "Already done." I looked up at dad. "Huh?" He chuckled. "You're going to this restaurant called.....actually I don't remember what it's called but the owners are from the supernatural world so you're VIP." I smiled in relief.
"Yip and after that you're going to have a nice walk on the beach that's near by. Sarah loves watching the sunset." I nodded remembering that fact. "She also loves eating fire." I nodded. "Now time for you to get ready." They pulled me up and off the bed before they pushed me into the bathroom, roughly might I add. "Take a shower you reek of nervousness." I rolled my eyes at Ben. "Don't you roll your eyes at me mister I'm trying to help you!" I sighed before going to take a shower.

Sarah pov.

I had just taken a shower and was completely freaking out. Adriana was over by me and mom was just watching me in amusement as I had a breakdown. "I have no idea what to wear!" They sighed. "You've said that already." Adri said before her eyes clouded over then went back to her normal multicolored eyes that I find so freaking awesome especially when she feels a certain emotion and it changes to one particular colour but you can still see the other colours blending in. Off topic here!! I have a date in two hours and I have no idea what to wear. "SARAH!!!" I jumped slightly when Adri screamed my name. 

"What?!" She chuckled "You have to wear something formal but at the same time casual." I frowned "Where am I going to get that?!?" She rolled her eyes before getting up and heading to my closet.  After half an hour she came out of my closet "Okay you need a knew wardrobe. Tsk. If mom was here she'd be able to do something." I sighed "How long has she been gone?" She sighed "Three days. Dads not so worried about her knowing that she's safe and all it's just that she'd be of great help right now.  I mean she helped me with my date and it turned out awesome."

"Well then it seems I made it back just in time." We turned to see Jade with a dark blue dress in her hands. "I heard your plea and just so happened to be in California when I saw this dress. I thought it'd look great on you for your date." I smiled "Thank you. I love it!" "Well go put it on!" Mom said and I got dressed. They then fixed up my hair and they let it flow in waves.  "Now remember don't burn any girl for watching Kal okay? We know he's good looking to other girls besides you but he only has eyes for you. And since he's not allowed to blow up any boy over you either it might be a little hard. Just reassure him that you're his and only his." They told me. I nodded.

Kaleb pov

I was fixing my sleeves as they lectured me about not killing any boys over my girl. "But she's my girl why can't I defend her?" They sighed. "Look Kal the only time you can go wolf, demon, warlock or whoever is if someone touches her but other than that no. Don't hurt anyone. Besides she only has eyes for you anyways. You're gonna have a good time. Don't worry about it." I nodded and turned only too be blinded for a second by a flash. I blinked a couple times then sighed chuckling slightly as mom squealed her life away while bouncing in her spot.

"Mom you're back!" Ben hugged her tightly. She smiled and kissed him on his forehead. "Ohh you look so handsome! Sarah's going to love you even more!" I chuckled and walked up to her kissing her on the checks "Welcome back mom. How was it?" She smiled "It wasn't to bad meeting grandma and grandpa for the first time. I have no idea how I knew what they looked like but I did and we had quite a talk but you don't need to worry about that right now just go have fun on your date." I nodded.

"Any advice?" I asked hopeful. Mom smiled at me. "Sarah is a fierce girl but she'll be a nervous wreck for this date. You'll have her a blushing mess. Don't rush her take your time getting closer to her and you'll find yourself cherishing every waking moment with her and falling deeper in love. This is just the first step into that amazing world. So have fun." I smiled brightly as mom washed away all my nervousness. "Thanks mom." She smiled then nodded at me while giving me car keys. "The car is already in front of Sarah's house so just teleport to save time. She's already ready and you're making her nervous so hurry up and go!"

I nodded and teleported finding myself in front of Sarah's house. I didn't even have to knock before the door was opened by Safira. She nodded at me "You look stunning. Now make sure to take care of my daughter and have fun. Sarah!" Kyle walked up to the door. "You might be my next alpha but I'm still going to kick your ass if anything happens to my baby girl. You hear me?" I nodded and he smiled "Good. Have fun. Make sure no I boy touches her, burn off their hands if you have to, bring her back by tomorrow noon. I know sometimes you finish so late you just go to the pack house instead, or yours since she sleeps over most of the time." I nodded and he nodded back before walking into the living room leaving me at the door.

I walked in waiting for Sarah to come down the stairs. A sweet scent filled my nose. It was like honey. I smiled knowing that scent all to well.  I turned around and looked to the top of the steps only to be left gaping in awe. I couldn't stop the stupid smile that made it's way onto my face as I stared at Sarah. She looked so casual yet formal with the blue dress she had on and the way she put her hair all on one side of her shoulder. Once she reached the last step she smiled at me "Ready to go?" I asked as I brought her closer to me and gave her a kiss on her cheeks causing her to blush. "Yeah let's go." I nodded and we waved at Safira and Kyle before getting into the car and driving down the road.


I updated late!!!! Writers block!  I never thought I'd have it..... OK I have VERY IMPORTANT news for you.

I'm sorry to say but......

As of next week this book will be on hold.

Jade: What?! Why???!

Because I have my final exams coming up. Or as we say in the Caribbean, CXC. and this shut is lasting for the entire month in May all the way to the first week in June. I was planning on dying to update sooner but school happened and I had projects to do.

Jade: So why are you putting it off so early?

To study. I do want to pass you know? Make my parents proud. Once exams are over I'll let you know. And I'll continue. Before this week ends I'll try too put up another chapter with how the date went.

Jade: Alright, I won't bitch about your decision this time. I'll accept it. *Sigh* I'm gonna miss all the comments.

Yeah me to.

Thank you for understanding me. 😊 I really appreciate it!!

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