Chapter 11

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YASSSS I'M BACK!! I was stuck on what to write for a while but here it is! Sorry for the wait!!

Now read ittt!!!!!


Kaleb pov

Once we arrived at the restaurant I parked the car and we entered. "Hi! Welcome. You must be Kaleb and Sarah right?" We nodded and the girl bowed "Welcome your majesty." I nodded "Please, follow me." We nodded and followed the girl to a table. I pushed Sarah's chair in then took my seat. A waiter came up to us and handed us menus "Is there anything you'd like to drink as you think of what you want to order?" We nodded "Two glass of champagne would do." He nodded and gave a secret glance at Sarah. Already? I thought sighing. Don't worry I'm yours only. I smirked at Sarah as she smiled and winked at me.

When the champagne came. I took a sip and then I chugged down the rest of the champagne. I took the bottle from the waiter and poured myself more. Sarah chuckled at me then held my hands. "Calm down Kaleb. Everything will be alright." I sighed looking at her. "I was supposed to be the one to calm you down." Sarah laughed. "Well it seemed to me like you were the one that needed to calm down more than I did. Next time love." I chuckled at her. We ordered our food and got it in less than half an hour.

We talked and laughed like any other day. After eating we decided to walk along the deserted beach since it was night. I looked up at the sky and smiled. Taking Sarah's hand in mine I pulled her into me then spun her around allowing her to watch the sky also. "It's beautiful isn't it?" She asked but I was just staring at her smiling face. "Yes she is." I said. Laughing she turned to face me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders "You really are something. Today has been the best day with you ever." I made a noise like if I was disagreeing. "Well...... I wouldn't say today was the best day ever for me." Her smile fell making me smirk internally. "Why?"

Bringing Sarah closer to me I inhaled her scent. "Well I can think of two more times with you that can top this." She raised an eyebrow at me "Would you like to share?" I chuckled at her. "Well, since this is the third best day I'd say the second one will be when I mark you, and mate you." I smirked at the blush forming on her face. "The first will be when I marry you and start a family with you." Her blush deepened as a smile formed on her face. "Okay. I can see your point. But as of right now. This is one of those days where I'm with you and nothing can ruin my mood." She said before kissing me.

When we broke apart I couldn't stop the smile on my face. "Wanna jump in?" I asked motioning my head with the water. Within seconds we were out of our clothes and in the water having water fights or just floating next to each other. While we were floating I stared up at the moon as it seemed to shine brighter down on us. "Is it just me or is the moon shining brighter than normal and on us?" I asked. Sarah laughed. "It's the moon. It is a full moon which means aunt Jade is at her strongest right now." I smiled "When is she ever in her weakest?" I heard a laugh. Not Sarah's laugh but a laugh I grew up around and loved, my mother's. Looking up I saw her smiling down at us.

"Well aren't you two having fun." She laughed again. I smiled looking at Sarah "Yip!" She smiled. Coming down closer to us she stood up just above the water. The smile fell from her face "I don't want you both staying till midnight okay? Remember the wolf demon is still out there." I nodded remembering. "Yeah. We won't." She kissed my forehead and then Sarah's making her eyes glow. "There. No darkness shall harm you with the light of the moon on you. Now I have to go meet the mer-people." My eyes widened "Mermaids are real?!" I yelled out in shock.

Sarah and mom laughed "Of course they are! They just don't come up on land often." I nodded still shocked "Wait a you have a mermaid side mom?" She nodded. "Yes I do. I just never used her. Her name is Navina. Her younger sister, Serena is the next in line for the throne. They wanted us there to make sure she can rule and make sure she isn't corrupted by darkness." I nodded. "Now I have to bring her on land for a while. She'll be staying with us." Mom looked up at the moon. Suddenly her clothes changed.

She had on a sliver top that was hooked to one shoulder by a starfish looking clip. Her skirt was silver also and it disappeared straight into water itself.  "Wow." Mom smiled. "I know right?! Have fun. Kaleb you know we have a vacation house not that far from here. If you don't want to go home you can stay there for the night." I nodded "Thanks mom. Bye." she waved at us and then dived under the water. I caught a small glimse of a silver tail. "Your moms awesome." I smiled "Yes she is." I chuckled shaking my head. "Come on time to get out of the water." I said lifting Sarah up and carrying her to the shore.

Neither of our feet touched the floor as we put on our clothes. As we headed back to the car I thought about going to our vacation house but resisted and decided to let Sarah choose. "Sarah. Do you want to go to the vacation house or let's just go home?" I asked. She looked like she was thinking about it for a little while but then she smiled "I want to go to the vacation house. Seems like fun." I smiled and we drove to the vacation house.

The house

Once inside we changed into home clothes and sat in the living room watching movies

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Once inside we changed into home clothes and sat in the living room watching movies. So far we watched The Thing, The Adams family and 22 jump street. I took notice that by the middle of 22 jump street Sarah was falling asleep. Smiling I kissed her forehead and lifted her up bridal style as I made my way to my room. Setting her down gently I left to take off the tv and went back to bed. Sarah instantly snuggled closer to me. I smiled relaxing as sleep started to take over. Sighing contently I welcomed the darkness.


Honestly I'm horrible when it comes to writing about dates. I'm not experienced in this field at all!! Not even with all the imagining I could do.

Jade: *smiles* it's fine. At least they're happy. *sigh* To bad it's not going to last it?

Who knows? Reuben hasn't found his mate yet but he seems happy about that. Maybe he's scared?

Jade: Maybe. I'll talk to him. Later, for now let's focus on the happiness while it lasts.

Must you be so negative??

Jade: I'M NOT NEGATIVE!!!!! I'm just worried!!!

Oii!! Don't spoil it!! *sighs * Just enjoy the happiness. Trust me just enjoy it. 😊😊

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