Chapter 23

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Emerald pov

"My brother and I were very advanced for our age. At first we were praised for it." I continued my story some of the demon wolves secretly killing off vampires that tried to sneak away.

Flashback ~

Emerald age 5, Karayan age 13.

"Well done Karayan, you just completed a course that most of the teenagers here couldn't pass." One of the council members stated. My brother nodded not being one to smile at people besides our family. The teenagers around him scoffed jealous that they didn't pass. I smirked, then chuckled catching my mother and brother's attention. "What's so funny Emerald?" Mother asked raising a perfectly shaped brow at me. I looked up at her "The boys over there are extremely jealous of brother, mother. They plan to corner him later to see if they can bully him into failing his next course." I told her calmly.

"At a young age my powers had developed. My first power being telepathic, like my mother."

"My, my, it seems you're right dear. What shall we do about that?" Mother frowned in thought. "Do nothing, mother. I can take care of myself." Karayan stated. He then looked down at me. "Thank you for telling me Em, I'll deal with them accordingly." I smiled "Can I watch? I have a feeling someone's blood will be spilled and I want to watch." Karayan smirked. "That's mother's decision to make." We looked at our mother who gave us a sadistic smile. "Be home before dinner and I want no blood on your clothes." She instructed. We nodded and watched as her and father left.

As expected the boys did corner my brother. At first he let them have their fun, until one of them bit my arm and tried to drain my blood. That made him furious. Like father brother could control everything that had to do with the dark. And so he killed those boys. Angered by the boys deaths, their parents came to our house seeking justice. However we had already informed our father about what happened so he denied all their talk about teaching manners to Karayan. However they didn't like it and came back to fight my father for the head of the clan.

"We won if course, but not without losing our dear mother. That hurt my brother the worst, so everyone besides father and I received hell for it. Then his teenage years came and he found someone he thought he loved, even if she was a wolf. We kept her a secret from the council and everyone seeing as we were in a war."

Emerald age 11, Karayan 19

"I swear, you're very clumsy. How my brother stands you is beyond me!"  I stated. She smiled at me and her wolf form shook off the water wetting me "Eww! Now I smell like a wet dog!" I snarled. "Oh would you stop complaining? You don't smell that bad." Karayan stated as he too stepped into the basement  soaking wet. I sighed "You both are ridiculous. How could you transform to go on a date when you can very well be caught?! You're clumsy as a wolf and your scent isn't that hard to find. You're both lucky it's raining." I sighed.

"Don't be like that. Tell father we'll be up for diner in a moment. I have some things I'd like to discuss with my love here." Karayan smiled at his now naked fiance. I nodded and left them there. I have found father in his office talking to one of the guards around the house, but even from there I could hear my brother and his fiance making love in the basement. I frowned. Father chuckled at my face "Do you not like your brother's mate darling?" he asked. I sighed and sat on one of the chairs opposite his desk. "I wouldn't say that father but something feels off about her. She knew transforming into a wolf will get us caught but she did it anyway." I huffed highly annoyed.

"Of course I was right, who my brother thought was his soul mate, betrayed him. Leading to the demise of our father and half of our clan. That drove my brother over the edge...and he slaughtered that whole wolf pack as a result." I smirked remembering the screams and cries of pain he caused the wolves. "Of course he left behind our clan and they only kept me as the next in line. And that lead to meeting my mate."

Emerald age 19

I was walking through the woods at night, making sure not to be noticed. I looked around then smiled as I got to the waterfall. "Hello love." I spun around and came face to chest with, Kalyian, a demon who came here with his father to make a deal with the vampires, also my mate. I smiled and he bent slightly to plant a kiss on my lips. "What does your father think of us?" I asked "He's happy. He also said to hurry up and give him grandchildren." I laughed "Of course. He'd have gotten along splendidly with my father. And what of my brother?" I asked in a hurry.

"Your brother is fine. Impatient but fine." I sighed. "Good." he chuckled and kissed my forehead "You worry too much. Now tell me what is it that you wanted to show me." he pretested. I smiled "Actually, you won't see him yet, but you can listen." I smiled. Kalyian was confused. "Listen love." I instructed. Soon a smile broke out on his face at the small heartbeat he heard. "You're pregnant?!" I nodded. He laughed and spun me around "That's amazing!"

"Or so it seemed for a time. On the last month of my pregnancy the council found me, called me an abomination and tied me to a table. The table was enchanted, for those who committed great crimes and were to be punished on it. They made me watch as they cut me open. They rest my crying newborn son on my stomach, and despite my pleas to kill me alone, they drove a sword through the both of us." the mothers around me gasped and held onto their children tightly.

"It went through my stomach, but through my sons heart. And the sad part was my mate saw it all, they captured him too, but they let him go bruised and beaten as a warning to his father. The worst part was watching them slaughter almost all of the clan because they saw it all happen. After that they burned my body and trapped my soul on the dark side of the moon so as to not resurrect me. " I smirked "For a time they succeeded...until now that is." with that being said I took hold of the oldest council member. "Hello..." He began to scream in pain as I practically fried his brain, then slowly he began to decay until he was nothing but dust in my hand. "Bye! Who's next?" I asked and turned only to receive a kick that sent me flying through a house. 

I glared. "'ve got balls." I laughed humorlessly before I sped over to the second oldest council member. I held her close to me as if I was hugging her "I like that..." I whispered and licked the blood off her ear "...Too bad I don't like you." With that I set my hand on fire and punched straight through her chest. She didn't have time to scream before her entire body caught on fire and her heart was in the palm of my hand. I dropped it on the floor then stepped on it. I turned to face the third council member who stepped back "No, please! Spear me!" he yelled before he took off running.

I took my time catching up to him and once I did he was on the floor staring up in terror at my mate. I stooped to be face to face with the old man "When I begged for you to spear my son, did you?" Kalyian growled out. He gripped him by his throat and lifted him off the ground. His black eyes shining in rage "Naww, you didn't did you..."" he looked thoughtful "Maybe we should spear you, for Karayan." I smirked "Ah, yes, brother would love to see you. Now he wouldn't be happy if you came in one piece." I nodded at Kalyian who broke the old mans' foot. He screamed in pain. I took hold of the old man by his collar and walked back to the flaming village of vampires who were all huddled in the middle of he village.

"Time to call brother. Hopefully, he's finished with the dragons..." I stated. I looked at the old bleeding man. "Call out his name." I demanded. He glared "Never." I nodded "Alright, your screams of pain should be enough." I stated and broke his other foot then proceeded to slowly tear his arm off, after breaking it multiple times of course. "You called...?" a voice sounded from behind me and I turned to see Karayan standing there. "I did." I answered smirking up at my older brother. 

He looked impressed as he looked at all the chaos and damage I had done. "I'm proud of you, sister." He said patting my head. I smirked in triumph until I felt a pulsing headache and a slight heartbeat. Run... Jade warned, I ignored it of course but every time I looked up at Karayan nothing but dread washes over me. 

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