Chapter 16

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Adriana pov

"I hate you!! I wish you'd just die!!" Imagines flashed and suddenly mom had a spear going through her stomach. It was meant for me. "Mom!!" I reached out to her.

"Y-Yeah you can't leave us!" I turned to look at Reuben and Kaleb. Tears were falling from their eyes and they looked absolutely horror stricken. They had pain written all over their face.

"JADE!!!" I looked to dad. He looked like he felt the pain the most out of all of us. His eyes dulled a little as well but even so he looked angry, sad and in complete and utter pain. "Daddy..." I called out to him softly.

"RRRAAAAWWWHHHHH!!!!!!!" I looked around as dad roared but this time it wasn't only him. It was all the alphas of every pack. It was the cry of every supernatural being in the world who responded to dad's cry of pain and sorrow. They too felt it. The loss of their queen, the loss of the moon goddess. I turned around and watched as the moon turned red. "I- What have I done?" I thought in horror falling to my knees.


I gasped as I quickly sat up on my bed. A dream? I thought in shock. I sighed feeling weak for some reason. "So you're awake." I looked up to see the twins next to me. Their eyes lost colour in it, it had become dull and the brown in their eyes looked grey, especially Reuben's own. "What happened?" I asked frowning. "Shit hit the fan. That's what happened." Reuben said no playfulness in his voice at all. The door opened and Sarah and Ophelia walked into the room. They sat on the boys lap but didn't dear to look at me.

"You've all been out for two days. The blast knocked us all out but it seemed to affect you guys the most. Daniel woke up this morning but he hasn't eaten anything. You're the last to wake up, Adriana." Sarah explained. I nodded. "If you're wondering where Damon is, he's working. After the blast some people suddenly died. He went to make sure Karayan didn't take their souls for his army." Kaleb said. "Make sure you eat something." He said before he got up with Sarah in his arms and left the room.

"Dad said you're not allowed to leave the pack house." My eyes widened and I went to protest "Don't even think about arguing. We don't have time to worry about you when we know you're an easy target. You're grounded remember? You don't have your powers until dad says otherwise and I don't think you'll be getting them back any time soon." He snarled at me. I looked down "Do... Do you hate me?" I asked fearing his answer. I heard Reuben sigh.

"We don't hate you. We're just extremely disappointed in you." I felt his hand ruffle up my hair. "You look tired still you should sleep some more. I know that's what I'm going to do." He said. I looked up seeing him trying to force himself to smile but he gave up. He sighed and left with Ophelia who looked worried and sad for him. I sighed. I messed up didn't I? I thought to myself. Yes you did. Maybe if you had listened to us we'd still have our mom and moon goddess. Jewel my witch scolded me. I sighed. She was right.


It's been three weeks since the chaos started. Another blast hit us and this time it affected the old and those who were ten and under. It killed more of children in the supernatural world than the human. However those that survived were babies because their mother themselves were a shield on their own for their child or children. Dad said that was one counter attacks mom came up with and he set in motion. It worked too. By the third day no child had died again but not much for the old people. Because of the sudden deaths Damon was working twice as much as he was before. Dad too.

Dad still looked hollow and empty but their was a fire in his eyes that said he wasn't going to let Karayan win. Then we went a whole day with things being peaceful but then another blast hit us. This time it affected all the men. They were extremely sensitive and acted strange. Like they were constantly in pain and just touching them increased it tenfold. To avoid this dad locked himself up in his office and barked orders for the females to help and do their part.

The only way to stop or at least ease their pain was from said males mates or the man's daughter. Many of the human males died. In those days it was almost apocalyptic. Everyone was terrified and on the run because even if they remotely find love Karayan does everything to destroy it. He really hates the mere thought of happiness and love. Now today nothing in particular happened. I was in my room about to go downstairs feeling hungry but when I reached the door a sudden shock went through me.

I gasped as I stumbled. I held onto the door frame for support as I panted when it suddenly became hard to breathe. My eyes widened and I ran back into my room heading for the bathroom. As soon as I was in it I puked up what I had for dinner last night. My body hurt all over as it suddenly began to heat up. It hurts...... I thought as tears prickled my eyes. Once I finished vomiting I flushed the toilet and washed out my mouth then brushed my teeth. I slowly walked back into my room. 

I didn't even have the strength to climb into bed so I sat on the floor leaning my head on the bed. "Adri...." I looked up as Damon walked into my room. He rushed over when he saw me. "What happened!? Are you okay?!" He reached out to touch me and suddenly a loud scream was heard, and I realised it was me who was screaming. The pain I felt erupt in my body as I was shocked from Damon touching me was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I dropped to the floor and curled up to ease the pain I felt. "It......hurts....." I whimpered as tears finally fell from my eyes.

Rushed footsteps were heard coming towards my room. Soon dad and uncle Kyle burst through the door. "What happened?!" They asked. "I can't touch her!" Damon said hurt visible in his eyes making me want to hug him. Dad reached out to touch me only for me to scream out in even more pain. Damon acted on instinct and hugged me and instantly the pain was replaced with warmth. Everywhere still hurts but he was making it easy to endure. Dad sighed "Even when she's gone she knows what she's doing." He chuckled softly.

Uncle Kyle gave him a strange look. "Are you losing your mind already? Do I need to carry you to the hospital?" I wanted to laugh at the look dad gave him for saying that. "No you dumbass! Jade. She told me she set up countermeasures for Karayan. He hates the thought of everything good. Love, happiness, affection. So he makes it so mates can't touch the other. Doing this he knew a mate wouldn't touch their other half if it means hurting them but Jade knew that purely by instinct once they get through that thinking they can touch, but whatever happens next I don't know." I looked down saddened mom was gone and it's all my fault.

Suddenly screams were heard downstairs. Dad and uncle Kyle shared a look before bolting out the room. Damon looked at me. "No one's dying so I can be near you. I missed you...." I smiled as he snuggled into my stomach "I missed you too." I smiled kissing on top his head.


See! I need some ideas for chaotic things. This is just the beginning. I want you all to give me a random name that will affect each supernatural separately, like a disease for vampires only.

Adriana: I'm a horrible child.

That you are! So start asking for forgiveness.

Adriana: Will it bring mom back to us? To me?

I'm not gonna tell you that. Maybe if you had listened Jade would still be here doing everything in her power to protect you.

Adriana: *sniffs* I know *starts crying*

*Stares blankly* let it out.... There there *pays back*

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