Chapter 6

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Jade pov

It was night and I was high in the sky enjoying the view. I suddenly heard whimpering and went towards the sound. It was a injured wolf. The wolf's heartbeat was very slow. It was attacked so severely that it was already on death's bed before I could try to heal him. This attack was different. Smoke was coming out of the claw marks. I touched it and then retracted my hand. I sniffed it and growled wolf's bain. There's a wolf immune to wolf's bain and he or she is killing out my wolf's.

I looked around seeing five more dead wolves. I growled. Who did this? I looked down at the barely alive wolf. I don't -I don't know. I nodded. Tell me, did you see anything? Or what the wolf looked like? He shook his head. I'm sorry but all I s-saw was black. I sighed. I passed my hand over the wounds healing the wolf. He was still close to death but I knew to save him he had to shift. Shift young one. He shifted to revile a man in his mid twenties. I sat him up against a tree. I passed my hand over his wounds making him wince in pain.

I used the water in the air to wash away the blood and then healed him. I blew out a cold breath to ease his pain making him sigh in relief. "Forgive me for not noticing sooner. It seems whoever did this knew how to not be detected by me." I frowned. He nodded glumy. "Tell me. Are any of those wolves familiar to you?" I asked. "Yes. They were of my pack. My little sister and brother. My best friends. We were training then...suddenly black fog surrounded us and when it was gone they were dead. I didn't smell anyone or sense anything and was suddenly attacked. I felt the wolf's bain enter into my system and became weak. It took a final attack and left. I-i don't know what it was." I got up about to call for help when he stopped me. 

"If it was a wolf it's no ordinary wolf. I only remember seeing black eyes on a black wolf's body but it's body was......was made of fog. Then it changed to grey fog but the wolf remained the colour black. It had a vibes of death reckoning on it. That was the only scent I caught when it came to attack me. I hope I helped." I gave him a sad smile. "You did and you you like to join my pack?" He nodded. I helped him up and teleported to my pack. The sun was starting to rise which meant that soon everyone will be up. I woke Daniel up and told him what happened. He sighed but let Keth join our pack. Everyone welcomed him with open arms. Especially Whitney. She tackled him to the ground for being her mate.

I had called Stephan my guardian. He was a demon and the guardian of darkness. He hated meetings since the others didn't favour him too well but I didn't care about that. So I dragged him to one of our meetings. "Steph please tell me it's not one of your hounds doing this." I said. He frowned shaking his head. "It's not. I've felt it's presense but it's different. It's pure darkness like mines yet it isn't familiar." I sighed "So what does that mean? " Anna asked. "I don't know but for him or her to be able to get passed us just like that is different. Not even my uncle Erik could've sunck up on me." I said biting my nail.

"This enemy is powerful. Their first attack was on Angels." Collen stated. "Then demons." Stephan glared at the wall. "Then vampires." Anna frowned "And now wolves. The only attack he thankfully didn't do were witches." I said. The earth shook and Jayson appeared from under it. "Wrong. He hit a moment ago." Rage build up inside of me and I banged my fist on the table instantly breaking it. "Damn it!!" "Did anyone die?" Anna asked.  A sad look crosses his features. "Yes. Seven of them..." His fist clenched and tears fell from his eyes. "....Including Ashley and Ryan." I covered my mouth in complete shock. Tears formed in my eyes.

"Where are they?" I asked. "B-back at the castle." I nodded and not waiting for anyone else I reappeared in the castle. I found Ryan first and instantly worked on healing him. Collen came after me and touched him. "He's alive." Damon showed up. "I have taken the souls whose time it was that was up. All but one. Ashley Wilson. It is not her time to die yet. I am no life giver. It is your job. Life." Collen nodded. "Go find her and bring her back Collen." He nodded and left. My eyes went silver and I started to chant. "Reawake young warlock. Open your eyes little wolf. For this not yet your time to die. Take a deep breath and inhale the breath of thy life." I lifted my hands over Ryan's chest and a silver light appeared above him. I inhaled the silver light then blew it back on him twice as hard.

Once all the silver went into his mouth he shot up gasping for breath. A terrified look crossed his features and I instantly brought him into a hug. "It's alright. You're safe now." He shakily wrapped his arms around me. "H-He was....... He wasn't normal. H-He took out our best men like nothing. All five of them. Then I saw his wolf turn to man." My eyes widened and Ryan's grip tightened on me "It's okay Ryan you can tell me. I have to stop him." I felt him nod his head. "He was taller than me. As tall as uncle Danny. He had a tattoo of a dragon on his shoulder. His eyes.... They weren't normal. No he had none. All you saw was pitch black." Ryan broke the hug looking at me.

"Aunty Jae...... He looked a lot like Aron but at the same time he didn't." My eyes widened "Ryan. Describe him for me." He nodded "His hair was blonde but he had Aron eyes and Katelyn's mouth. He kind of resembled her a little to. He had told me something. H-He said. That he'd ride the world of all the light but he'd spare me if I joined him. I refused and suddenly everything went dark. I couldn't see anything or hear or smell. But I did feel pain and before I knew it. I was dying. I died and the last thing I saw was dad now coming home." I nodded. "You're going to be staying with us for a while. You and Ashley."

I took hold of Ryan and teleported to the hospital where he and Ashley shared a room. Ashley was sound asleep on the bed. Jayson won't stop crying but he did have a smile on his face. Damon and Adriana were here also. She knew what was going on so I made her spend the weekend with Damon. I'm going to make her spend the rest of the week also. Of course when I told her that the smile on her face never left. "Mom! Something's wrong with Sarah Derek and Safire!" Kaleb and Reuben shouted. I let them lead me to them only to see darkness going in and out of them. I could instantly see that it was hurting them and trying to take away their souls.

I growled and lit the room bright. So bright that it burnt off every part of the darkness that was trying to get a hold of anyone within a 100 mile radius. Once I settled the light they were breathing heavily. "Are you guys alright?" They nodded. "Good now make sure you stay in the light. Derek I know you don't like staying inside or the sun very much so let Reuben provide you with a light source. Okay?" He nodded and Reuben helped him up. Kyle and Kaleb ran over too their mates. "Jade. What are you thinking?" Daniel asked me. I glared at the wall. "I'm going to visit the Moon pack." He looked confused. "From what Ryan told me the person who attacked him looked a lot like Aron." He nodded.

"What about the pack? Mom your light is the only one that can burn them to dust ours will just drive them away." Adriana stated "Wrong all three of your lights will burn just as bright but I know you're not always going to be close to each other so I already put a light barrier around the pack grounds. It will only affect the bad darkness and will be more noticeable at night. Collen has his angles covered since his power is also light. Anna projects the vampires using her water since when the light reflects on it it brightens." They all nodded "What about the other wolf packs?" Reuben asked. "I'll pass by them and do the same as I did to here. As long as I'm alive it'll stay up and only go away if I die or take it down." They nodded.

"Everyone off to bed. I'll leave at whatever time I get up in the morning." Daniel chuckled at me and we all went to bed. I stayed in his arms whole night. His warmth keeping me calm and less frustrated with these new events unfolding.

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