Chapter 31

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Daniel pov

"Have you missed me..?" She asked and in that moment I became speechless as my heart squeezed painfully, the fire on my fists going out. She was standing in front of me and yet she wasn't. Her smile didn't reach her eyes like they used to, it now looked as if she was mocking you with it. She radiated no heat, and I don't doubt that her skin is cold to touch. Her appearance remained the same with the exception of her hair and now dull, lifeless eyes. I looked her up and down seeing her wearing a long sleeved black dress that hugged her curves perfectly, it had high splits on both sides of the dress with a low v cut showing off her flawless skin and breast, she wore black heels to match. Even in death she was beautiful and that hurts me the most.

She is here, in front of me standing, talking, moving and looking as gorgeous as the first day we met and yet... her heart doesn't beat. Not a single heartbeat. It took every fiber in my being not to hold her in my arms and cry, begging her to return to me. Begging for her heart to beat again, for her eyes to go back to the way they used to be, for her smile to cover me in warmth especially when it reached her eyes. Our mate.... All my sides whimpered in pain and she smirked as if sensing it.

"So you have missed me. Hmm, petty I have not missed you." She told me. Her eyes then landed on our shocked kids, who froze in the midst of battle. Before I could react she was over by Adriana "You... my own daughter... The one who killed me over jealousy..." She snarled making Adriana flinch. She hadn't looked at the boys and that made me wonder why. "Do you still hate me, Adriana? Are you happy that I'm dead now?" She taunted "Did you get what you wanted?" She whispered in a dark sadistic tone.  "Mom..." Reuben called out and for a second I swear I saw her eyes glow from its dull color.

She glanced at Reuben and was in front of him in a split second. She held his face titling his head side to side before she sniffed him "My son..." she whispered letting him go "'ve changed." her eyes landed on Kaleb "You both have." she smirked her head titling to the side as if she was listening to something, then her eyes landed on Sarah who was hidden behind a few pack warriors since she refused to go into the house "And you're pregnant..." she smirked and began approaching them.

Kaleb growled and stood in her path only to be sent flying by just the flick of her wrist, the warriors being sent to their knees unable to get up or even move. She stood in front of Sarah and restricted her movements. I was about to move when she spoke up "If any of you move. I'll kill her and her babies." our eyes widened and none of us dared to move. Jade placed her hand over Sarah's stomach. "Mom...please...!" Kaleb begged as he stood swaying side to side "That baby in there is your grandchild! You wouldn't kill him or her!" he yelled pleadingly. Jade didn't act like she heard him and if she did she didn't move.

"You look so much like your mother..." she spoke stroking Sarah's hair. "You're having twins...should I take them off your hands? Twins are a hand full after all..." she told Sarah a sadistic glint in her eyes. "No! Don't do it! Please!" I begged. She glanced at me then slowly turned "Then whose life shall I take? Shall I take Sarah's, spearing her children? Or maybe Ophelia? Maybe her daughter..." Reuben quickly went to his wife and child pulling them close to him "Better yet maybe my beloved daughter is willing to die for you all?" she smirked and turned to face Adriana.

The moment their eyes met Adriana began to scream and crumbled to her knees. Damon  instantly went to her side "T-Take me! Take me!" I yelled. Jade stopped in her tracks and turned to face me. "Oh..?" she walked over to me staring me down as if she was debating something. As if satisfied she smirked "Maybe I will..." she held out her hand "Join me love. Be by my side once again." I glanced at my children behind me and their mates. I sighed "Only if you leave them alone." She smirked "You have my word..." nodding I took her hand.

Instantly I felt myself slipping, then the world around me turned dark and when I opened my eyes I came face to face with another me, only he had orange eyes and fire for hair. He gave me a sadistic smile as we circled around each other. "Who the hell are you?" I asked "I'm Sutekh, your dark side, the mate to Libitina." I glared knowing that was the combined form of Jade and Emerald "And what do you want?" I asked. We stopped circling each other "Your body." with that being said he lunged himself at me.

I side stepped to avoid his hit yet I was still tackled to the ground by him. He slashed at my back, his claws not only sharp but ablaze as well, causing the scratches to not only tear my flesh but burn it too. I struggled to get him off me eventually flipping him over my head. We both stood up him hissing and I growling. He lunged at me and this time I took his hit head on. I skidded back slightly before I lifted my knee to connect with his nose, stomach and then his chin. As he flew backwards I grabbed hold of his collar and pulled him toward me for a headbutt.

We stumbled away from each other. Not wanting to give him time to recover I threw a left hook at him followed quickly by my right and my knee. As I was about to land another blow to him he caught my fist. My eyes widened "My turn." In the time it took me to register his words he had beaten and burned me to the point that my entire body was bleeding, my left eye swollen and shut to prevent blood from going into it and yet I stood. Wheezing and struggling to breathe. Sutekh wasn't far off from me I had managed to land some blows on him too, but none the less he might walk out of this fight victorious. "What's the reason you fight?" He asked suddenly. "Our family." I answered. "Our..?" He seemed confused.

I nodded "Your mate wasn't alive until two years ago. The same time you came around. My mate, Jade was killed. Jade Libitina, she's a combination of Emerald, Karayan's sister and Jade. When she woke you had as well because we were mates it's only fair that Libitina had someone too. I felt you, you know. Lurking in the dark watching my every move but you weren't able to enter, not until now. Those kids out there are ours. Our sons and daughter, our granddaughter and coming grandkids. If Jade ever comes back to us, she'll remember that while she was Libitina, she killed those she swore to protect and it'd destroy her.

I'm fighting to get her back, to see her smile, to look into her eyes, to feel her warmth. I've been suffering for two years not knowing what to do, because every time we fought back we lost. We hid and found a little peace where we were and began to build our family again, like she wanted. Our world is lost to Karayan but I'll be damned if I die without fighting for it one last time." I explained. Sutekh stared at me before he smirked.

"Karayan is dead. Labitina killed him for forcing her to have sex with him. All he wanted from her was a son, though he already had two with a vampire girl. His sons unlike their prick of a father has light in them. His mother was pure so I'm not surprised. I love Libitina and though she craves destruction and chaos, it was actually Karayan who made her believe that was what she was born for. Libitina can be good, that's because Jade is still in there. I am defeated so my power will now go to you. Protect your children do not do like me for I have failed mine." His fiery hair turned black his orange eyes green and he no longer looked like me. He gave me a smile as his body turned grey and he turned to stone before falling to the ground in dust.

I closed my eyes, sighing. I know what I had to do. To bring peace back to the world. For this to happen. Libitina... Jade she must go and I shall go with her.


So... I updated....

J:  Yeah no shit!

Labitina:  What's the meaning of us a late update human?

Well... you see... Umm... I kinda, sorta maybe forgot about the book?

Labitina:  You insolent fool!! *slams hands in table* How dare you forget about us?! I shall have your head for this!

J:  If you kill her now then she definitely won't finish this book.

Labitina:  Tch.

Yeah she's right. Besi6the only reason I forgot about this book is cause I thought I was finished with it and then I realized I had like three more chapters to go with and was like SHIT! So... Yeahhhh...

Labitina: You are a fool indeed... Just get out of my sight... Leave.

Okay! Will do! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


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