Chapter 8

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Jade pov

I was home lounging around watching a move. Daniel was in the kitchen cooking and I was praying to God he didn't burn the kitchen down. The scent of something burning wafted into my nose and instantly I was in the kitchen shocked at what was in front of me. The oven was emitting smoke which meant that whatever was in the oven was burning the counters were covered in ingredients and the pot on the stove was on fire. Danny smiled at me nervously "Ugh.... I can explain?" I shook my head smiling "Are you telling me or asking?" He shrugged and I pushed him out of the kitchen "You are not allowed in the kitchen until I say otherwise." He pouted at me "Aww! Jade-" I pushed him again "Don't you Jade me! Go and clean yourself up and get the kids." He nodded and finally walked out the kitchen.

I looked over the mess again and chuckled. I guess the only thing he could make properly was desserts. I outed the fire and quickly cleaned up the kitchen fixing it back to how it was before. I stopped for a second to think of what to cook for the pack. Shrugging I just made one of their favorites. Lasagna. Halfway through Kaleb walked into the kitchen sniffing the air. "Ohhh!! I smell lasagna!" Not a second later Reuben appeared next to him. "Is food ready?!" I shook my head "No it's not. So get out of the kitchen!" Reuben pouted before he walked out the kitchen. Sarah appeared in Kaleb's arms and he instantly buried his face in the crook of her neck. I turned away to check on the lasagna and turned back only to see them kissing and probably having a mini make out session.

"Hey! You have a sound proof room! Don't do that in here." Sarah broke the kiss with a hot blush on her face. "Mom!" I smiled innocently at him "What?" He sighed. "Come and help me set the table will you?" Nodding they both took the cups and plates as I took out the lasagna and we all set up the table. "Dinner's ready!" I shouted and instantly everyone came rushing into the room. We prayed before we all dug into the food. Once everyone finished eating the boys offered to do the dishes so I let them. I went to take a nice hot bath. Jade do you plan on going tonight? I got a mind link from Jayson. Yes. It is a full moon. Daniel is fine with the plan he'll be in charge of everyone while I'm gone. I answered and then got out of the bathroom. I changed out of my disguise going back to my normal look. My hair went back down to the floor and I went back to my 6ft. I was in my moon goddess clothes when I walked out the bathroom.

Danny was in his moon god clothes as well. "You remember how this goes right?" He rolled his eyes "I only missed out a month because of alpha duties. I'm not that rusty." I chuckled and kissed him before I was completely surrounded by the light of the moon. I closed my eyes for a second before opening my eyes again. I looked around seeing that I was in a field. Everywhere looked to be glowing with the light of the moon. The flowers were white and it had a glow to it. I turned towards the sound of crackling fire and saw a man poking a stick in the fire. "It's been centuries since someone visited here and isn't dead." He sounded like if he was in his forties and filled with wisdom. He had no scent either.

When he looked up his eyes were a gold colour. "Now tell me what is your business here." He said looking back at the fire. I walked up to him "I've come to see the first moon goddess." He hmm-ed not taking his eyes off the fire "Do you know the tail of fire?" I shook my head no "No I do not." He nodded. "Then let me tell you......It was a long time ago. Fire was a shy and beautiful girl. She had bright red hair that made her different from her family's normal brown or black. Her sisters detested her for her outstanding beauty. So they treated her badly but yet she never hated them. Her brothers loved her though as did her parents and that was all that she needed.

One day in the middle of the night strangers appeared in the village asking for shelter. Her sisters were beautiful in the men's eyes but when they looked at her they instantly forgot about her sisters. Growing angry hatred started to consume their hearts and then that faithful day happened. Evil men invaded their village for the girls had hired them to kill their sister but they started to destroy the village. They were terrified and begged them to stop but they didn't. They watched as the men cut down their villagers one by one. The sisters felt guilt build up inside them and what made them feel worse was when their sister ran and hugged them stating that she was glad that they were alive only to find out they still hated her.

She finally realized that it was her sisters who brought the men and when their family found out they became enraged. The men had found them soon enough and went to kill the oldest son. She had become angry so angry that her hair started float, the air around her started to heat up the wind encircled her. Everyone stared because her eyes and hair started to glow. She shot forward and got in between the man and her brother her entire body a glow. The man screamed in pain as his body brunt but the brother only felt a sense of warmth. With new found power she protected the rest of the village.

By the time she finished her entire body was now fire. Her hair was a brighter red, her body yellow like the sun and her dress a bright orange. She made the villagers feel warm and protected. All the bad people even her sisters had burned. Her family approached her and she hugged them giving each of them a mark of fire as a sign of protection. Then as the sun rose she disappeared."

He stopped poking the fire as it started to rile up and then formed into a girl. She looked up and then at me. "So you're the new moon goddess?" I nodded "Well it is nice to meet you. Charles tell me why you've brought me here." She turned facing Charles....wait Charles?!!? "Grandpa?!" He looked up "Hmm?" I smiled and tackled him in a hug causing him to chuckle "Ohh how you've grown into such a beautiful woman." I smiled and inhaled his scent that I finally caught. He smelled like nature itself. "It's so nice to finally see you. Oh mother missed you so dearly." He sighed. "Yes. I missed her to. Now since Fire is here let's go get your grandmother." He stood up and within a second he turned from a fourthy year old man to a twenty something year old.

I stared for a while "Are you coming or are you just going to stare at me?" I blinked. He looked so much like uncle Erik or well uncle Erik looked a lot like him. When I say a lot I mean a lot! They could be mistaken for twins instead of father and son. "I must admit that this is weird." I stated as I walked up to meet him. "And what's so weird about him?" A new voice sounded. I spun around and stared wide eyed at the person that suddenly appeared. "For this reason is why it is weird. You look like twins. Those twins who look so alike that you can't tell them apart unless you place name tags on them or listen to how deep or high their voices are! Tsk you're giving me a headache.....Erik."

He chuckled "Same old loveable Jade." He sighed sadly "To bad it took me so long to notice." I smiled "Well then look again and take time to notice. You're always watching me from here anyway. Why not sit down and watch as I do me. See what you've missed out on." He chuckled at me. "You my dear are definitely your mother's daughter." A woman said as she approached me accompanied by Fire. She had silver eyes and black hair. "Hello grandmother."

Ahhhh I'm sorry!!! I took so looong to update!!!

Jade: damn right you did!!!! If school is bothering you so much then put the book on hold until after your exams!!!!!

I would but then I'd forget it was on hold and update so no I won't put the book on hold I'll just be updating slow.


What kind of supernatural should Reuben's mate be? Angel? Vampire? Wolf? Witch? Dragon? Demon? Or human?

I need your help she needs to be introduced soon!

Okay thank you for waiting with me!!

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