Chapter 12

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* Serena *

Reuben pov

I woke up to the scent of waffles and my stomach growling angrily at me for still sitting on my bed and not devouring those waffles. Agreeing whole heartedly with my stomach, I made my way downstairs to see mom had cooked waffles, chocolate and blueberry pancakes, muffins, bacon, eggs and toast. She had orange juice, milk and coffee on the table. I must be in heaven. I thought staring at all the things mom was making. She set the table and instantly everyone took a set leaving mom and dads space for them at the heads of the table. Dad joined us not to long after.

We all watched as mom set up the children's table giving them what they liked to eat and things to drink. She'd just warm the milk or cool the juice with just a touch. "I don't think I'll ever get used to having such an awesome Luna." Drew one of our pack warriors stated. "What about the alpha?" I asked. "He's amazing too, but our Luna is just awesome." I chuckled as dad sipped his coffee "Can't disagree with that one." He said and we all chuckled. Drew jumped in shock when mom appeared behind him and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for the compliment."

His face turned red and his heartbeat sped up causing mom to laugh at him, we laughed also. Once mom joined us we ate our food. For some reason when we have a pack breakfast, lunch or dinner we won't eat until mom is seated. We might drink some of our drinks but we won't eat. We do that for some reason that not even mom herself understands because if dad wasn't here we'd still want to eat. I had finally gotten my answer a while ago from one of our older pack members. He said it's because we care for our Luna. We'd always care for our alpha yes but our Luna is the one who makes sure everyone is alive and not injured and helps take care of us.

We feel more hurt if our Luna is hurt and we are more protective of her than to our alpha. So whether our alpha orders us to protect our Luna or not we'd do it in a heartbeat. And looking at mom no matter how weird she is at times, we'd all take a blow for her without a second thought. Even if she is the moon goddess. The girl who came with mom last night walked into the room. I think her name is Serena, yeah or was it Selene? "Guys meet Serena. She'll be staying with us for a while and I want you all to be nice yo her." Everyone nodded and greeted her with hello' and hi's, yes even with our mouth filled with food.

Mom and Serena laughed a little bringing smiles to everyone's faces. After an eventful breakfast dad and some pack members offered to do the dishes. While they were doing that Kaleb came home with Sarah. They both seemed pretty happy and I just wanted to tease them. So I did. "Oh ho ho! Look who decided to show up! Had fun?" I asked while wriggling my eyebrows and smiling like a retard. Kaleb rolled his eyes at me while Sarah turned into a blushing mess. "Well look who decided to come back. And look at the time too! What were you two doing this morning?!" Adriana asked. I laughed as Sarah's face turned darker and now Kaleb was blushing also.

"We didn't do anything like that you idiots!!" Adriana and I looked at each other before looking back at Kaleb. We smirked at him "We never said you did anything." Kaleb blushed harder and we burst out laughing at his face. "Guys stop tormenting your brother before he sets the house on fire. " Dad said walking past us. That just made us laugh more. Kaleb walked passed us and up to mom kissing her cheek before disappearing in our room. "I want details!!" I jumped slightly, and turned to see Safira holding onto Sarah with an intent look on her face that said 'you won't escape even if you try'. Mom and Adriana was right by her side.

Women are terrifying. I thought watching them drag poor Sarah out the house. I just noticed Kyle standing at the door shaking his head. "Hey uncle Kyle." He smiled at me "Any idea where they're going?" He sighed "Probably back to my house. I told Saf give the girl some time to breathe." We chuckled going back inside. While passing the living room I saw Serena. Mom aren't you forgetting something? I raised an eyebrow in amusement. Nope! You and Derek are going to show her around. I want her to get used to others besides me. I sighed of course she did.

"Ahhhh!!!!!" A scream brought me out of my thoughts and I ran outside to see Derek in dragon form. Looks like he just landed. I looked to the source of the scream and saw Serena on the ground looking petrified. I ran over to her "Hey! Are you okay?" I asked and kneeled down to her height. She looked at me fear clearly in her eyes "H-How are you not frightened?!??!" She yelled her fear replaced with shock, though I could smell the fear on her still. I chuckled at her. "He won't hurt you. If he did you wouldn't be alive right now." I said in all seriousness. Her eyes widened. Is she the one Jade wants us to watch? I turned to face Derek and nodded.

"Serena, Derek. Derek, Serena." I said introducing them. "That thing has a name?! You named it!!?!" I glared at her as Derek growled causing her to back away frightened "That thing is my friend and his name is Derek. Do not judge things instantly by appearance." She nodded. I turned back to him and smiled "Come on man! Mom said she left some food inside for you and knowing you didn't eat she left some. Better hurry up and eat it before it gets cold or someone trys to eat it for you." He huffed in annoyance causing me to laugh. Once in his human form I chucked a shirt at him. He put it on and messed with his hair.

"So what's the plan for today?" A shadow appeared next to him and formed Damon. "Derek since you haven't officially met this is Damon. Adri's mate." Derek gave Damon a look. "I don't like you." Right to the point. As always. I thought coughing to hide my laughs. "You don't even know me." Damon stated both of them not breaking eye contact. "Exactly. I don't know you. That's the problem. You're dating my cousin. To me she's like the little sister that I've always wanted. I have and will always do my best to protect her." Damon nodded. "I understand that but I won't hurt her."

Derek scoffed "Of course not. You're an ass if you do. Cause 1; You'll have a very pissed off Daniel. And you do not want to meet a pissed of Daniel. 2; there's us. Those who vowed to protect Adriana from all harm in any form. Emotional and physical. She's our soft spot." I smiled. He isn't wrong about that. "Then there's 3; the worst person to piss off. Jade. Even before she was the moon goddess I heard that if you pissed her off enough you're staring death in the face. On top of that I know she warned you which meant that she trust you to take her seriously and not even think of hurting Adriana. But if you're stupid enough to do such a thing. Not even you will be able to escape her wrath as the moon goddess and as a mother."

Damon went to reply but someone interrupted "Aww. You do care about me!" Adri walked over to us smiling wide. Her eyes no doubt held love in them for Derek and Damon alike yet different. Derek looked away "I never said that." Adri's smile widened "You're not denying it either. Thanks for looking out for me. I appreciate it but I don't think you'll need to watch over Damon. He won't hurt me. Besides Ryan already gave him a good 'talking' and the Kal and Ben did their thing to see if even after all they've put him though if he'll still come and get me. He did so no need to  whatever you were going to do now." Derek growled "Still testing him" Adri sighed.

"Well I tried. Have fun. Don't kill him!" She gave a pointed look at the both of us "I'm going to meet mom and join her in teasing Sarah. Bye! Have fun!" With that she disappeared heading to wherever mom is. "Well let's go inside then!" I said and we all headed inside. Time for some 'bonding' time.

Hiii!! I updated!

Jade: Late though.

Yeah its just it looks like people don't like the story anymore and that's discouraging.

Jade: Ahhhh don't worry I bet lots of people like ur book, right? *glares heatedly*

Awww thanks I really appreciate it.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and be ready for the evil that's about to come

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