Chapter 13

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Reuben ppv

As we entered the house we instantly went to the game room. In it was a pool table and next to that a few chairs and stools in front of the chairs that were facing the 60 inch flat screen TV we had attached to the wall. On the table below the tv was gaming counsels like an Xbox, P's4 Nintendo, a Wii and all sorts if games to play on each. While we had our gaming room the adults had a man cave with drinks and another flat screen tv for them to watch football on. It was just a door separating us.

"Ohh I left the snacks. I'll be right back." I left going back up to the kitchen. As I entered I saw Serena sitting on the step playing with floating water. I sighed and walked over to her "Hey, want to join us?" She looked up at me and frowned. I noticed that her hair had changed colour it got darker and her eyes changed to silver. "Are you sure I can? I mean I said some pretty mean things to your friend when I didn't mean it." I smiled. "Well if you didn't mean it you can definitely join us."

"Uhh.... isn't this a boy thing??" I laughed "If you think like that then yes. But if you think only of the fun then no. It's for everyone and we can show you how to play if you don't know how." She smiled and stood up helping me bring down the snacks and drinks to the game room. I also took notice of how her hair went back to normal and the edges turned blue. I guess she's happy.

The first thing Serena did when she came down here was apologize to Derek while blushing like crazy, the edges of her hair also turned a dark pink. I stared at the two for a while and noticed the blush, although faint, on Derek's face. I smirked. He found his mate. I chuckled. Mom you knew didn't you? It didn't take long for her to answer me. Of course I knew. Who I do you take me for? I could just imagine her rolling her eyes at me. Suddenly a sadness came over me. W-When am I going to get my mate?

Honestly I'm anxious to meet my mate but seeing how happy Adri and Kal were made me want to meet mines more. I'm happy for them and I'm not jealous I just really want to know. Oh darling, you really think I haven't thought of a mate for you? I know how much fun you have with your friends and that you didn't want a mate right away. I knew you were scared so I chose the perfect moment for you to meet your mate. My eyes widened. You... Heard me? I blushed in embarrassment. Of course I did. I am your mother. Ruru darling trust me. I'm sorry I made you think you were mateless. I frowned hearing how sad mom sounded.

Mom. I called out. Sorry Ruru, I have to go. I'll talk to you when I get home. I sighed. We really made her feel bad didn't we? I asked myself. We did. We're all sorry for our impatience. We just wanted to finally meet our mate. My wolf Jase said. I groaned but let it go until mom comes home. Then I'll make sure to apologize for making her feel sad.

Jade pov

I smiled as Katelyn finally finished giving birth. As she held the beautiful girl in her arms I looked down at her "You're a very important person right now. I'm sorry for putting such a burden on you but in the end, you'll have a big brother to watch over you." I kissed her forehead and smiled at Katelyn "What's her name?" Katelyn smiled "Faith. We'll name her Faith. Because she's our faith that will bring our boy home." I smiled. "That's a beautiful name. To get her brother out of the darkness she will shine in a way he won't be able to resist and hold. As soon as he has her in his arms he'll want to do everything possible to protect her from all evil." Katelyn nodded.

I looked at Aron and smiled. "Protect your daughter and your son will return." He nodded and went over to his wife and new born daughter. I smiled and left them. "Are you sure this will work?" Safira asked. I smiled "It will. I just know it. However he'll want to take someone down with him. I hope I'll be able to stop him in time before he does." Safira frowned. "Well. It's time for fairies to be known don't you think, Marlene?" I turned to the side to see my fairy half flying besides me. Of course! It's been too long! I smiled at her.

When I got home I was instantly crashed into a hug by Reuben who was hugging me as if his life depended on it. I smiled and hugged him back. He opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. "It's okay." He sighed. "How'd you know what I was going to say?" I chuckled "Because I'm your mother and the Luna of the pack you're in. I can feel your emotions without having to be near you." He hugged me tighter. "I'm still sorry for making you sad. I feel horrible for thinking such things." "Don't worry about it. I know I have you waiting the longest and I'm very sorry for that, but you might just like your surprise the most." He smiled at me.

Once inside I walked up to Danny and kissed him. He instantly brightened up and smiled at me "You look happy." I nodded and sat on his lap "So did you meet your fairy half?" I asked him causing him to sigh. "I thought that was a dream. How come they aren't one with us like the rest of our other sides?" I smiled. "That's because our fairies had their people to look after. I may be the moon goddess and Luna of this pack but my fairy half is queen of her people and they go about differently. So in order to keep tabs on fairies and make sure they're protected I didn't join our fairies together with us." He nodded.

"So what is my fairy to yours?" I smiled "Her top body guard and lover." He smiled. "I like that." I chuckled and snuggled into his chest "I knew you'd say that." He laughed slightly. Derek walked up to us a faint blush on his face. "Um.... Jade how am I supposed to treat Serena?" I smiled and walked over to him. "Like if she was the most precious thing in your life. Treat her equally and love her greatly. You are both from two completely different families that had war in the past. I did this knowing you'll both complement each other and bring your families closer together." I said.

Danny walked up next to me and patted Derek on his shoulder "Trust me. You'll find yourself falling deeply in love with her. The more you notice her the more the things she do becomes beautiful in your eyes and you won't be able to help yourself when a stupid smile spreads across your face and when she smiles back it just fills you up with warmth and even more love."

While Danny was explaining to Derek he had one of those stupid sexy grins on his face then he looked at me and I couldn't help but giggle and smile at him. Derek smiled. "Thanks for the advice." We smiled at him "No problem." With that he left with a thoughtful look on his face "You really are something aren't you?" I smiled. "You know it."


Yayyy Derek got his mate! How wonderful.

Jade: Right?!  I'm so happy for him. They'll make wonderful kids.

Hmmm. Now that I think about it do you think their kids will have  a dragon side or mermaid side??

Jade: They could be born with each side and have the powers for both or they could be hybrids like I am and be born as a dragon mermaid hybrid with both parents powers.  It doesn't matter really because they'll still be loved.

You're right. Anyways thanks for still reading this book! I really appreciate it! 😊😊



Vote (for what I still don't know. I have to stop putting that there 😓😅😓😅)

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