17: Nice Timing

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Amaryllis Roman

I jumped in surprise as I lifted my head off of my desk. In my sleepy state I gathered my books and walked out of the classroom for lunch. The bell was so friken loud. I swear to god my head was going to explode.

Covering my ears I slipped through the hallways filled with students and walked up to third.

I was sleeping because I felt like crap. Sleep was a good escape for any problem really.

God I felt so horrible. How did I not notice that Nike was in pain? How did I not notice there was something wrong or off about her? Was I too busy for my best friend? I was a really shitty person.

Why was everything in my life becoming so complex? I had so much on my plate I just wanted to crawl into a hole and sleep for 10 years.

I sighed as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and yawned.

"Lis." I heard Nike call. I turned around and spotted her beside her locker.

"Hey, are you feeling any better?" I asked when I reached her.

"I guess. It was nice to talk to someone." She said. I nodded in understanding.

"I know just what will cheer you up." I said.

"Lunch with the populars is not what I had in mind." Nike said making a face.

"I wasn't going to say that, I was actually going to suggest heading down to the art room and painting?" Nike stopped walking and turned to look at me skeptical.

"Lis you hate art."

"No...I've just never had a strong liking for it. But I can make an exception." I said grabbing her arm and gently pushing her down the hall.

"Alright, if your sure." I smiled reassuringly.

We walked side by side in a comfortable silence until I almost I made a sharp turn down the hallways and almost bumped into someone.

"Hey princess ready for lunch?"


"Oh...Alex hey." I said awkwardly.

"Taenia has been biting my ear off about you today. She said a new music video was released by a group called...Eco...EO..EXO? I think." I sucked in a breathe. Seriously? Why didn't I get a notification? I calmed myself down, if my inner psyhco was released there was no going back.

"Oh...yea the groups called EXO, and actually I was just gon-" but Nike cut me off.

"We were actually heading to the caf now. Do you mind if I eat with you guys today?" Alex turned to look at Nike and smiled.

"No of course not. Any friend of Amaryllis is a friend of mine." I turned to look over at Nike.

"You don't have to." I whispered to her.

"Yea but I want to. It's...Its about time I let myself meet new people." I nodded as the three of us walked into the caf.

Nike looked slightly uncomfortable but she masked it with a smile as we spotted Alex's table.

We maneuvered our way through the busy cafeteria and finally arrived. Alex sat down alerting everyone of our presence and all eyes turned to me and Nike.

"Hey guys this is my friend Ni-,"

"Your really pretty."

"Do you listen to Kpop?"

"I've seen you in art."

"I loved your portfolio for Dunan's class."

"Are your highlights real?"

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