27: Unrequited Love

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Amaryllis Roman

"Marika what the hell?" I said grabbing Alex by the wrist and pushing us out of the washroom. The sea of people who were waiting gave us disapproving glares as we walked out of the hallway and into the rest of the cafe.

Marika shrugged.

"Taenia sent me to see what was taking so long, but clearly you guys were pre-occupied." She said staring at my hand on his.

I let go of his wrist and shoved my hands into my pockets.

"No need to hide it, but I could have used your help with Taenia, she basically threw me under the bus with Sehun." I grimaced.

"Sorry! I was trying, didnt you see the glares I threw at her." Marika scoffed.

"You and me both." She said as the three of us slowly walked to our table.

"So what did we miss?" I asked.

"Well Sehun asked me out!" She said calmly. My eyes bulged as I grabbed her arm turning her around.

"That's great! Why are you so calm?" I questioned confused at her airy exterior.

"Because he said 'hang out' and said invite Tae and you if I 'wanted'. Does that mean he wants a group thing or an actual date?" She asked confused.

"I don't know....Alex some help here?" I asked turning to him. He gave me a solemn look before turning to Marika and thinking for a moment.

"He gave you the choice, which means he's trying to see if you like him as a friend or something more. He's testing you." Marika scoffed.

"Why can't he just be straightforward?" She said.

"Well you aren't exactly being open and honest yourself." I said truthfully. She shot me a glare.

"Your suppose to be on my side." She whispered just as we reached the table. Sehun was the first to look up, he nodded at me and Alex and gave Marika a warm smile.

He totally liked her.

"So what's this I hear about plans being made?" I asked sipping on the last of my bubble tea.

"Oh I was just asking if Marika and you guys wanted to do something Tuesday?" He asked stirring his green tea.

"I can't Tuesday I have a dentist appointment." Taenia said.

"Soccer practice." Ravi grunted.

"I gotta help out my cousin at the garage." Alex conjured.

"Um, Tuesday's family bonding night I'm sorry." I said coming up with the best lie I could. Marika looked like she wanted to melt into her seat as Sehun looked taken aback.

"So I guess it's just me and Marika? If-if you still want to?" Sehun asked hesitantly.

"Of course she doe-" Taenia started but I kicked her in the knee under the table.

She bit her tounge and hissed.

"Stomache ache, too much ramen." She said pointing to her food. Sehun nodded uncovinced as Ravi cleared his throat and stared at Marika, clearly uncomfortable.

"Yea I'm still up for it." She said staring at him through her lashes.

He beamed.

"That's great! I'll pick you up at 7?" He asked. Marika nodded trying to control her smile.

Ravi on the other hand looked like he wanted to object, but it was only then that I noticed Taenia's heels were digging into his foot. I caught her eye and raised my eyebrows pointing to her shoe.

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