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***Keaton's POV***

We arrive at Missy's house. We don't see a car other than her brothers so we decide to ring the door bell. I carry her to her bedroom. As I lay her down I take a look around her room. She is so artistic and has an eye for photography. She has a few paintings up in her walls which I suspect she made. They are actually pretty good. You can feel the emotions she had when she painted them. Not only that but all the pictures she had up where really good. I suspect again she took them. Her room tells me so much about her. That I understand her more now. I feel like I can connect a bit more with her yet there's something missing. I feel like there's something she hasn't told me yet.

"She did everything in this room." I hear Hunter say by the door.

"They're amazing. She's really good." I admit.

"Yeah. Black white and blue. That's her. Symbolic for her too. I don't know why she keeps this from the world. She's so good."

"I can tell. Everything has a meaning for her. I bet all these vintage things mean something to her."

"Ask her about it soon. I know she needs to talk to someone about it." Hunter says as he walks into his room.

I walk back to Missy. I sit at the corner of the bed. I lean over to kiss her on the cheek.

"Why don't you show it off? You're talented." I whisper before closing the door behind me.

***Next Morning***

My head hurts so much from the day before. I guess I did get my neck a bit hurt after that 'Ghost Rider' ride. Today is the day of the concert. All week of going to beaches and theme parks and skate parks was over. It was sad because I didn't want it to end. It was my excuse to see Melissa everyday.

I get a text from her.

Missy:Keats we need to talk. Can you meet me at the coffee shop I love at 12?

Me:Yeah of course. Is there something wrong? Aren't you suppose to be at school?

Missy:I just need to talk before tonight and I get out early today.

Me:Alright. See you soon baby.

I started to get worried. I drove to the coffee shop. I saw her sitting down drinking coffee and a piece of bread. It must have been her lunch.

"Hey. Is something wrong?" I ask all worried.

"Keaton. We need to tell my parents about us two. I don't want them to find out before it's too late."

"What do you mean too late?"

"The word went around about us two. Nobody knows we are together. They just assume we are getting super close and soon will be going out."

"Wow that fast? We'll tell them as soon as possible. When do you want to tell them?"

''I was hoping right now."

"Okay let's go. We need to be honest."

We drive to her house. I'm so nervous. What if they don't like me. What if they think I'm playing her or I won't be loyal to her. I hope they don't disapprove of me. I walk into her house and she tells me to wait in the living room while she calls her parents over.

"Mom. Dad. This is Keaton Stromberg." Missy says with a smile.

"Oh hi. Are you one of Missy's friends from school?" Her dad ask

"Um not exactly." I smile

"He's actually my boyfriend. I just wanted to clarify this with you. I know you told me if I was going to date someone you want to hear it from me and not from someone else." She says bitting her lower lip.

"How did you two meet? Who would we hear this from other than you?" her mom asked.

I look at Melissa and let her know that it's ok to tell them everything. She tells them from the contest to the entire week dating to the media situation.

Her parents sit there quietly thinking. They give each other a look only they would understand.

"Okay. Missy you know we love you. We don't exactly agree with this but since we appreciate your honesty and we understand how you feel, we are willing to allow this." her dad says.

Missy jumps up and hugs both of them. They suddenly come up to me and hug me too. I was surprisingly happy that they liked me and I wasn't the problem. The problem was the media. They agreed to help us with any problems. I felt like they supported us.

I had to leave to get ready for the concert. I said goodbye and went to the venue. I was relieved and not as stressed now. The rehearsal was great and the fans outside were amazing. I love how much support they give.

***Wesley's POV***

"Whats up shorty?!" I say into the phone.

"A huge body guard who won't let us in." Missy says.

"What! Why not?"

"They don't believe we have backstage passes. They think ours is fake."

"We'll just pose like you did in the pic of you and Keats then he will let you in."

"Ha! Ha! Very funny Wes. Note the sarcasm. Anyways come to the back door and tell King Kong to let us in."

"Alright I'm on my way."

I hang up and go for them. They were a bit pissed about security not remembering about them but I know it won't happen again. I give them a tour of the stage and backstage. We finally stop at the 'Chill Room'. It's where we just hang out before we perform. Once Melissa sees Keaton they run to each other and kiss.

"Too much PDA! Didn't you two see each other today already?" Syd ask.

"Yes but that doesn't change how much I miss my babe or the feelings I have for her." Keats replies

We just laugh and go about with what we were doing before. Soon we are called to go on stage. Keaton leads Missy and Syd to their front row seats.

***Sydney's POV***

The concert is amazing. They played the best songs. It was cute when the song 'Girl Next Door' came up Keats dedicated it to Missy. All the girls went crazy because they all saw they had a connection. Of course they had one. They've had once since he was at her door. After the concert we all went backstage to relax for a while.

When we walk out the venue with the boys there's hundreds of cameras. Flash everywhere and people screaming.

"Here put these on." Drew tells us. He hands us some pair of glasses so our eyes won't get hurt from the flags I guess.

"Put on your hoodies and stay close to us." Keaton warns us.

We do as we're told. Keaton grabs Missy's hand and they walk down the sea of people and paparazzi. Drew and Wes are by my side. They try to cover me as much as they can. I can hear millions of questions around me.

"Who's is she?" "Is she dating one of you?" "How did you meet?" "Are you cheating on Carly?" "Is this a relative?" "Is she the one from the Instagram picture?"

My head spins. We get into the car and drive off. I can't believe how crazy that was. I don't know how the boys can already be use to this.

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